Chapter 1: Introduction

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 Cold, cold. That was all she felt. Everything at that point was numb for her. She couldn't feel the rain washing her, soaking her. The pouring deluge drenching her body as she sat, helpless. That was how she felt. Nothing but hopeless.

Lumine and her brother were inseparable. They were the best of friends and the only one each of them had, the only one they could trust, the only one who they would never be separated from within the boundless curse of eternity the twins had faced. They could live on forever, choosing to instead pass the time by traveling to other worlds together as one. Every day seemed like a new adventure... and that is really all she could remember about her past. One day she had awoken in this strange land. All alone. Without her brother anywhere close. She knew she needed to find him, she needed to be with the only person she had ever trusted before. But after everything she'd do, she would only find herself alone. This world she landed in didn't seem so bad, people seem to live normal lives here not so different from what she might have experienced in her home world.

Regardless, she had touched the statue of a god, found herself with power once more. Not very strong but she was a talented swordswoman. She could survive. She had been staying in a tent she fashioned out of the local resources in the forest close to a coast. It had been a couple months like that, helplessly trying to survive.She decided to go on an adventure of her own here. One to find her brother hopefully. She knew optimism would only lead to disappointment but, in her heart she believed she would see him once more.

After she had made it to a close city from where she was living, She helped save the nation of Mondstat, granting her fame in the land, but all she wanted was to be reunited with her brother. She continued on to the neighboring nation of Liyue for any chance someone might know about him but it was pointless, to no avail. She could feel herself start to lose sight of everything.

She was going insane. Thinking about the possibilities, where would her brother be in this unknown strange world. Powerful gods, visions, all were not as safe as she assumed and she had experienced it firsthand when she went up against a dragon. As she started to weigh all the possibilities against each other in her mind. What were the chances that her brother was even alive? How would I find him even if he was? "He's gone... he's gone. I'll never see him again" In the pouring rain in the dead of night, somewhere, She collapsed, cold... cold. How could her body be so foolish?

It felt like she had blinked, a moment's time had passed but... She was indoors. Lumine had awoken with a sharp pain resonating throughout all of her body, a stinging in her head. The more she thought, the more her head would feel like it was splitting in two, torn apart. The lighting was soft as she was starting to gain a clear consciousness. She could tell that she was on a soft bed, a warm home-like atmosphere surrounded her in the room. There was a light weight on her forehead... "a warm towel?" as she smelled something cooking faintly from another room, she couldn't help but feel nostalgic for something she may not even remember.

She could hear footsteps in the distance. Lumine knew she should be weary of situations like this but, why couldn't she just enjoy relaxation for the first time in... a long time.

A woman walken in, she had dirty blonde hair and she wore a traditional modern Liyue dress. "You're awake." She spoke, her voice wasn't soft or kind but Lumine could feel her care beneath the shade.

"W-who are you? Where am I?" lumine spoke softly in her confusion.

"I am Verr Goldet, the owner of this inn. Somebody saw you on the ground a ways away and decided to bring you here. He said it looked like you were about to die, so he brought you back here, to the Wangshu Inn."

"Oh..." Lumine was thankful to them for saving her life, but she knew better than to trust strangers like these. Can she trust them? She decided that if anything happened that made her doubtfulness spike, she would leave.

"I was just about to call a doctor for you" Verr said with a touch of worry in her voice.

"Oh no no, I'm fine." Lumine said insistently.

"Well... whatever you say."

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