Chapter 8

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Lumine sat at the foot of a grand tree, "this tree has probably been here for ages" She thought, she admired it's height and it's ability to stay in one place for hundreds of years, like she never could. Maybe she should've been more like this tree in her past. Maybe she should've chosen one path and stuck to it. But here she is, homeless once again. It's not like she couldn't've stayed at the Wangshu inn, It's not like she couldn't've stayed in Mondstat... It's just that her selfish attempts at finding a place where she could be the happiest person in the world would often fail.

Lumine is not a perfect person...she's not perfect nor a human all imperfect little beings go, she decided to look for a place where she could get everything she wanted. Her power and resilience is admirable but, sometimes...she too doesn't know what she's doing I suppose

Lumine POV:

I've arrived... After less than a day of traveling, I'm in Liyue Harbor. Liyue Harbor is the capital of Liyue, it's an important city where many ships dock. It's the biggest city in the nation by far. So I must have a chance of finding peace here, right? I say it like someone's going to answer but... there's nobody there. At least not for me right now. I barely have 1000 mora at all. I need to find a job, to find some form of lodging...I could always sleep outside and save my mora for food...ugh.

I think for now, I'll just take a walk, it might be nice to take in some breaths of a bustling, peaceful city...

As I walk, I can feel the soft breeze as it hits my face gently, it's nothing like the countryside where I was adventuring before I got to the Wangshu Inn, this weather is forgiving. The thousands of people living their daily lives is nice, it makes me feel small, insignificant. We all need to realize our place in the world before it's much too late, we need to learn we're all just living our own lives...

As I walk to the highest point I can find, I look down at the city, all the people feel so small now. The breeze is harsher...everything is. I didn't think it was that long from when I got here but, there are purples and oranges beginning to fill up the sky, the sunset is near. Looking down at the slightly distant water as it gleams yellow and red, makes me feel peaceful. The wind begins to calm down, the people begin to return to their homes, except for those who dwell in the night. This city is nice but it probably also has a dangerous every big city.

The flowing horizon turns the same color as the rest of the sky, the sun shuns lower and lower into the sea. I could stand here watching for hours without realizing any time has passed. Although I'm alone here, where I am, I don't feel lonely. I just-

Xiao... I can't help but think of him, I wonder if he misses me... I wonder if he likes the almond tofu I made him. Too bad I couldn't see his face as he tried it. He doesn't really show his emotions but I honestly think that just makes him cuter. Hopefully I see him again, although the chances of that are slim...I want to talk more with the guy my heart was so focused on convincing my brain to like. Hehe... I'm quite tired but...there's really no place for me here, that's ok. Maybe it's the way that I can still hear the people do their jobs, maybe it's the warm sun at dusk, almost set. I don't feel alone, not her, right now. And this feeling of belonging, without acknowledgment of anyone, is kind of nice

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