Chapter 9

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As the yaksha walks up into his room, after finishing another day of his usual work, although today he couldn't seem to get his mind off of her... Lumine...

He had started to think of her as less of a burden to the peace of the inn and more of a girl who helped around with what she could,she was nice, kind. He began to admire her a little even. What he didn't picture is that her time in the inn would be cut short. He didn't see her leave, it never crossed his mind that she would have to leave. When he got attached to her, that's when she left.

Although he wasn't particularly attached to her very much, she wasn't the most special person to him in his mind, he found himself surprisingly chilled and betrayed by her sudden departure. He was upset when she left, leaving only a note and leaving him some almond tofu. Xiao was happy about the tofu, he thought... maybe she made it for him because he was special... Was she always thinking of him? He would hate to admit it but she's all he can think about now.

When she reprised her journey so quickly, Xiao's mind was full of her and almost only her, he was sad and annoyed for a point but as he thought more and more, he began to see her as something admirable...she was an adventurer after all, she wasn't going to spend more time in this inn than she needed to, after all... He began to like her, he started to miss her... her striking golden eyes that almost mimicked his own...the flower she always kept nicely in her hair...

He longed for her and he wanted to see her again even for a moment. He was denying it but certainly, he was in love. Even just a hint of her scent would make him remember her.

He wanted to leave the inn as well for a bit, he wanted to follow her. To find her again. He knew she wouldn't have gotten too far in the 3 or so days since she left Wangshu inn so abruptly. Xiao decided he was going to stay at Liyue harbor for a day or two, then continue as long as it may take him to find her, he didn't know why he wanted to meet her again so bad, he just wanted her. Xiao really didn't have the idea in his mind that maybe... he was in love.

Xiao went to liyue harbor, every step he imagined being brought closer to her. Maybe when he sees her he'll say hi... maybe he'll get angry... maybe he'll just watch her. He was going to stay with the person who created him. His old mentor, Zhongli. He knew that Zhongli would never turn down a humble, very rare request from himself. Especially if he paid an urgence to the matter. For some reason, seeing her again was very important to Xiao. Still, only a slight idea of love in his mind, his suspicions only getting higher as Zhongli questioned Xiao about the matter. Soon, Xiao realized he was in love with the adventurer, the gorgeous adventurer, Lumine. Strongly perhaps. He longed even more as he realized his love. He had never felt love before, and now he was feeling it for her... he's like a child with his first crush, but he has to make her his with whatever he can.

AN: sorry this chapter is kinda not the best but I wrote this in class cause I felt guilty for not uploading .w.

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