Chapter 2

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Xiao POV: (this will be the only time I shift povs mid chapter lol)

I was making my round as I usually did. Looking for monsters to kill, it's my duty to protect Liyue no matter the cost. Things were going as usual, I would find them and kill them. Simple enough. But this time I felt something was off, usually you would shrug it off right? It's just a feeling right? But with what I do, I've learned to trust my gut. I was on my way back to the inn early, it was getting colder as it started to rain, listening to it calmed me down so instead of running back, I took my time going back to the closest thing I have to home right now. I appreciate what the innkeeper and her husband have done for me during my time staying at the Wangshu inn but I know they wouldn't mind if I left to go somewhere else.

As I was walking down the pathways, too leisurely than I should have been, I spotted a ruin guard. "That's easy, just one ruin guard" I thought, "easy to kill". But as I approached it, it started to act a little differently. Instead of attacking me instantly or warming up, it just kind of stood there, I was confused so I approached it a little more. I don't know why I let my guard down but maybe I was just tired. Usually I would've just killed it on the spot.

I noticed it was holding something. I got even closer and noticed it wasn't just a thing, it was someone. A person? How come the ruin guard hasn't killed this person already? I noticed it looked like a young woman, she wore a white dress and heels and she had blonde hair... she was carrying a sword, couldn't she have protected herself? It's just a ruin guard. That's when I noticed that it seemed like the girl was still breathing, faintly. Maybe this ruin guard didn't kill her but is instead actually trying to protect her?

I was a couple feet away when the ruin guard stood up, tall. Taller than usual, or maybe I was just too close... As it placed the girl on the grass, I got ready to fight it, always be ready is my #1 rule. I have to always be ready for anything. But the ruin guard just started walking away in the opposite direction. I probably should've gone after it but a small glimmer of hope inside of me wishes that the ruin guard was actually good. That it realized what's right and wrong. I don't think that was the case but, it left me alone with this... girl.

If I was mortal, I'd probably find this girl attractive but honestly I would never. Should I just leave her here? No... I should do something at least.

I guess I was feeling extra nice that day because I picked her up and took her with me. She wasn't that heavy so I took her on my back as I more steadily went back to the Wangshu inn.

The innkeeper is nice so, surely she can take care of this girl. I arrived with this stranger on my back and made it up to the reception area

"Oh Xiao, you're back early today" Verr said.

"Yes I am..."

"Who is that on your back?" she asked, looking slightly annoyed. She always looks annoyed though.

"I found her, near here. Surely you can nurse her back to health..."

"Sure." She says. By the look on her face. I can tell it's a hassle but I don't really care, at this point I've spent too much effort on this human to let her die. I should never let a person in danger be... if it's not too hard to save them.

Lumine POV:

The woman who I awoke to earlier told me to not call her by name. A bit cold I think but, innkeeper it is. She told me that she wasn't the one who saved me but she's done more than enough for me. I insisted that I didn't need to see a doctor and she was surprisingly understanding. She didn't ask too many questions and that's a good thing.

I really need to get out of here but, the innkeeper said I could stay as long as I'd like, as long as I'm still in pain. She said it a little hesitantly though...

I planned on leaving as soon as possible but, as soon as I tried to get up, I feel right down onto the floor. She said I should really stay as long as I'd like. I know I shouldn't but... they could've killed me before so why would this nice lady try to harm me? She helped me and that's enough to gain a little bit of my trust. I'm still not completely sold though, I'll be careful.

I want to know who saved me, if not just to thank them. I know not to trust strangers but I also know basic manners. When someone saves your life, you at least have to give them your gratitude.

"Mrs. Innkeeper?" I ask softly as my throat is also in pain.

"Yes...?" She seems annoyed but, whatever.

"Do you know the one who saved me? You know, the one who brought me here? Can I see them, I want to thank them for...saving me."

"I know him. Yes, he stays here as well most of the time but, I don't know if really wants to see you. He's always in his room, he goes out everyday though. He doesn't talk much and he told me to take care of you. He doesn't need compensation or a thank you." She looks a little more annoyed...

"He doesn't care?..." "I want to do at least something to thank him, where is his room? I'll go thank him." I can feel my energy draining as I speak, maybe getting out of bed isn't the best thing I could be doing now.

"You can thank him later, but you have to rest. I can tell you're struggling to do as much as talk with me. If you don't want to see a doctor that's fine but, don't start acting like a complete idiot." She's probably really annoyed at me but I appreciate her help and concern.

"... ok". I say back to her. "Can I have a pen and paper?" I ask sweetly. I think I can write him a thank you letter now, while I still have way too much free time. I should probably rest but I can't just waste my precious time doing nothing but sleeping when there's so much to do.

"Sure, one second" The innkeeper leaves to get me what I asked for and I can't help but let my mind wander. To everything that's happened to me here. Was I just going to let myself die earlier? I really am an idiot. I think back to my adventures in Mondstat and my brother... It's not like he ever tried to find me. He's probably forgotten about me if he even exists in this world. Or he's dead. Either way, it's best I forget about him, for now at least. And I can feel myself drifting off...

A/n: It's hard making these long enough -_-, ill try to publish every other day. <3

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