Chapter 3

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After another power nap, I'm feeling energized, like I could do anything but, I know I can't. I don't even really want to leave this place, being here is relaxing even if it is boring.

"Mrs. innkeeper?"


"What was the name of the one who saved me? I want to make sure I can thank them properly."
"His name is Xiao and, like I said. He probably doesn't care whether you thank him or not. He'll go on about, oh it's my job..."

"Ok..." I feel myself slipping half back into unconsciousness. Do I really have this little energy?

I take the pen in my hands, I can feel my hand shaking beneath the nice pen, it looks rather expensive. I start writing on the paper .Trying not to come on too strong is hard but I really do feel grateful to him. I would've thrown my life away, maybe on purpose, maybe by accident. I don't even know what I was doing then. I'm glad I got some sense put into me, one way or another.

Dear, Xiao.

I'm writing this to you to tell you how grateful I am that you saved me. If not for you, I would've probably died. I don't have much right now but if there is anything I can offer to you to thank you, I would love to...

As I write the letter I find myself forcing my arms to stay up. I have to eat and rest well if I want to ever make it out of here. I look to the window that's next to me. I've barely been here a day but I've already found so much comfort in the view, the clouds up high, the sky that shifts colors every so often. The water and grass below, the traveling merchants away down there. I wish I could've been like that. Instead of fighting monsters and risking my life, I could've found a place to settle down and I could've sold some fruits maybe. I've always loved gardening and sharing the fruits of my labor with those who I love or... loved. I'm glad I'm remembering more about who I am and how I got here. Maybe it's the homely atmosphere. Maybe it's the motherly vibe that the innkeeper gives off, though she wouldn't appreciate it if I said it to her face.

I feel like I belong here...

Again I can feel myself drifting off, I finished my letter so I can rest a little bit. Just the small movements of my arm on the paper have already made me tired. I really am hopeless

I'm awakening eyes adjusting slowly to my surroundings as the warm inside light invades my eyes. Usually I would sleep at night so, waking up at night is weird to me. The window next to me shows that it's completely dark outside.

I can see someone watching me in the corner with the edges of my peripheral vision. It doesn't look like the innkeeper. It's... a man. He looks like he's young, maybe in his twenties. He is quite handsome. Anyways though, why would someone else be in here? My brain is still awakening from its (probably) long slumber.

"Who... who are you? I say in a soft, slightly raspy voice.

"You need not know my name." He says, his voice is nice. "I'm the one who 'Saved' you. I saw your letter and I'm thankful for your gratitude. However it wasn't necessary. I just ... wanted to let you know that I got the letter from the innkeeper. You can go back to sleep"

Honestly I didn't expect the one who saved me to look like this. This guy looks like a pretty boy and I'm really surprised he could even carry me... And wanting to let me know he got my letter, please. That doesn't explain why he's watching me sleep. Whatever, I want to be polite to the one who saved my life of course but..

"Oh..." I say. Drifting back into my weird slumber. Every time I do the slightest thing I swear. It's back to sleep. 

I'm really tired but I can hear him walk off slowly on the slightly creaky floorboards of this room. I can tell he's trying his best not to make any noise as to not wake me up. He's really quite cute to be honest. He may have saved me but. should I really trust him? I mean he doesn't really look the type to save anyone, not trying to judge based on looks but...

I hear the rain start to pour once more. It reminds me of the day I first made it to this world. It was raining then across the gray raincloud in the almost night sky, there were patches where you could see nothing but the purple sky. I saw a new set of stars here. When I came to this world, I was in panic, alone, but I took comfort in the sky. The stars look close together from our perspective but in reality they are so far apart that, one star probably doesn't even think that another exists. How lonely. I look to the window in the soft candlelight of the inn and I can see nothing but gray clouds. Soon though, they'll clear up. Soon they'll find happiness... right?

I wish I had never been separated from my brother. I wish he was still here, after all, who wouldn't? I'm lonely. So lonely. I can only find comfort in someone who I've know foe less than 48 hours. Seriously, how did I let it go this wrong? I just want to be happy once again, now all I feel is loneliness. The pain I feel in my heart may be because I almost died but, maybe it's something else. 

If you had told my younger self, even me from just a year ago, that I would be living like this, she would never believe it. I'm still standing though and I'll make it out of here when I feel better, I'll get myself a new happy life, selling fruit on the streets. I'll find someone else like me and ill marry them, we'll be a happy family. That I can only dream of.

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