Chapter 1 (pt4)

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Chapter One Part Four
Trusting a Snake.

Third Person

Kaede and Shuichi were waiting in the classroom. A two-hour countdown had started playing on the monitors around school, it let out a loud obnoxious song. But Shuichi's plan had been set and now they just had to wait. Peeking out of the classroom door they could see a group heading down to the basement. This group was not a part of the plan. Shuichi looked at Kaede worryingly. "People aren't supposed to be down there."

"I'm sure it will be fine, I don't think they'd choose to hang out in a dusty old library." Kaede shrugged hoping she was right.

Then on his own Y/n descended the stairs of the basement. It wasn't uncommon for him to go places alone but at a time like this, it was suspicious. Shuichi looked at Kaede. "I think I should go down there, just to make sure."


In the basement, Rantaro exit the game room where the others had gathered. He stealthily made his way to the library doors. Just as he laid a hand on the doorknob someone approached him. "What's this? Are you sneaking around Rantaro?" Slowly he turned to see Y/n standing there. "Don't try to deny it."

"I'm investigating something." He told him sternly. "You should go with the others, they're in the game room."

"Does this have something to do with what happened earlier? Do you think you might end this game?" Y/n tilted his head almost tauntingly. "Obviously you know something but I won't pry. What I'm not going to do is let you do it alone."

"No, leave."

"I'll scream."

Rantaro glared. "You wouldn't."

Y/n took a deep breath in.

"Fine!" Rantaro opened the door gesturing for Y/n to go inside.

With a curt nod, the ologist walked in. "Such a gentleman."

Rantaro huffed in agitation. "You are so annoying."

"I think you like that about me," Y/n said as he watched Rantaro take a look around. Soon the boy found a secret opening. It was disguised as a bookshelf but opened up to a door with a code lock. "Huh." A flash went off from the side of them. Both boys looked and found a camera there. Rantaro approached it curiously, Y/n stood back as he frowned. He couldn't ignore the start of an odd tumbling sound. "Do you hear that?"

Rantaro reached for the camera when Y/n saw it. A metal ball began falling from the shelf above them. In one quick decision, Y/n rammed into Rantaro sending him flying to the floor. He hit his head on the shelf dazing him slightly. For a moment Rantaro was dizzy and couldn't think or process anything around him. When the fog cleared he didn't know what to think. Y/n lay on the floor, from the side of his head near his hair line blood trickled out of a gash. The blood began pooling on the ground alarming Rantaro more.

He jumped up moving to Y/n. His heart beat rapidly in his chest as his fear grew and grew. "Y/n! What are you doing wake up!" It had dawned on him that the boy he was pulling into his arms had saved his life. He felt guilty, Y/n could die or may already be dead. "Please..." Rantaro placed his fingers on Y/n neck feeling for a pulse, luckily one was still there. He stared at Y/n's unconscious face, at that moment he knew he could trust Y/n with anything. The ologist had listened to him, not judge him, and now he had saved his life. Rantaro realized he needed Y/n, he couldn't finish this without him. "Wake up!" He shook him. "Please!"

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