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- [logged in as jennierubyjane — friday, 12:31 am] -

- [thv] -

we haven't talked in a week
are you ok?
i know you're alive bc ur online and stuff
not that i check or anything
well i do check but like
not in a creepy way
like in a
"oh hey my friend is online" type of way

- [saturday, 3:44 am] -

- [thv] -

we should probably talk about what happened last saturday right?
i mean if you're comfortable
then again i don't think we should pretend nothing ever happened
i enjoyed it
that sounded wrong
idk what i meant
i wouldn't mind doing it again?
that sounds creepy too doesn't it
lol why am i nervous
lol why did i send that
oh my god just ignore me i'm a mess

- [sunday, 7:29 pm] -

- [thv] -

ok i know i said "ignore me" but i didn't mean literally 😅

- [monday, 6:35 am] -

- [thv] -

listen i really miss you
i have some things to explain
please just hear me out

- [tuesday, 8:55 am] -

- [thv] -

jennie i'm getting really worried
are you mad at me?

- [wednesday, 12:57 am] -

- [thv] -

i know you're reading these
i get it if you don't want to talk
i just want to explain myself to you
there's some things i haven't really been...
honest about
and i want to be your friend and i don't want to hurt you
please just say something

- [thursday, 1:16 am] -

- [thv] -

ok we go to the same university, you can't avoid me forever
that sounded so bad
i keep messing this up
please just talk to me
i'm going crazy without you

- [A/N] -

ok so u know how i said updates would be more regular bc school ended 😅

funny story! i'm going away somewhere. so updates will be very slow again.

....i'm sorry?

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