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"Holy fucking shit!"

I was startled awake by someone cursing out loud. Matt I think it was.

Sitting up and pushing the covers off of me, I grabbed a hair tie from the small shelf of the bunk and jumped down to the floor, tying my hair up as I walked into the kitchen area.

Sure enough Matt was standing there in his jogging bottoms, with a more than frustrated look on his face. I watched for a few moments as he attempted to pour pancake batter into the pan in front of him then groan out in anger as he spilt it over the side, having some of it catch the flame and sizzle up.

"Hey Gordon Ramsey, what's setting that temper of yours off today?" I joked, hoping he'd calm down a bit.

He looked over at me for a second, a defeated look washed across his face and he lent his head forward agaisnt the cupboard above him and mumbled something to himself.

"Great, so that fucking failed. We should have just waited for you to wake up then we would have gone with the boys, had a nice breakfast that wasn't burnt! All I wanted to do was sit down with you and do a nice thing for you and just-"

"Wait hold on, you were trying to do this for me?" I interrupted. He always had that habit of giving to much away once he started on his rants.

"I... Well, you know I just... I thought that, just... You know..." He stumbled over his words and looked nervously at the floor. He was so sweet sometimes.

"No, I don't know," I giggled. I walked over to him and grabbed his hand, leading him back over to the cooker.

"Right, let's try this again. Get me the flour and the eggs," I said, pointing over in the rough direction that they were in.

So that's how we spent the next half an hour. Me directing Matt around and helping him to make pancakes, eggs and bacon. I actually got him laughing at some points too, I felt pretty accomplished.

We placed all the cooked food onto two plates and Matt carried them over to the sofa were we sat down and turned on the Xbox that the guys had hooked up before the tour. He went onto Netflix and I chose to make him watch White Chicks. That movie was the best.

"I can't believe you've never seen this before!" I said, Matt just smiled and shook his head, making a start on his breakfast as I pressed play on the movie.


"Whaaaat the Fuck is going on in here 'ey?"

My head shot up towards the bus door to see the rest of the Bullet boys walking in and smirking at me and Matt. Taking notice of how Matt was partially laying on top of me with his hands on my waist from where he had been previously tickling me, I could see what the others were probably thinking.

Almost instantly, I stood up from the sofa and began to look busy, clearing our plates and taking them into the kitchen area.

"Uh, nothing was going on, I don't know what you're on about?" I replied, giving them an innocent look. They looked back at me suspiciously when we heard a door shut nearer the back of the bus.

Turning to see that Matt was no longer in the front with us, Moose made his way in the direction Matt had gone off to, to see what was wrong.

Moose's P.O.V

What could have been wrong with Matt all of a sudden? I mean when we walked in on the two of them, they seemed to be perfectly fine but as soon as Crystal got up and said that nothing was going on, I saw Matts face fall slightly and he went back to looking like his usual sad self.

The Road To Nowhere (Matt Tuck Fanfic) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora