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"Crystal, wake up it's like 1 in the afternoon. We gotta get ready for tonight."

I slowly opened my eyes to see Matt laying next to me in a pair of black skinny jeans and no shirt on. I could get used to that.

Sitting up, I ran my hands through my hair in attempt to try and neaten it a little bit.

"When did you wake up?" I asked, as I turned to see Matt standing up and going to find a shirt.

"I woke at like 12 but I thought I'd let you sleep in a bit more."

"Ah, such a gentleman."

"You know it babycakes," He replied. With that he turned around with a Metallica tank top in his hand and winked playfully at me.

I hid my blushing as best I could and stood up to go get changed. I walked out to my bunk to grab a pair of black skinny jeans with rips at the knees, and a Slipknot tank top. I grabbed everything else I needed and headed into the bathroom to get changed.

"I'm showering, bye!" I heard Moose yell from the other side of the door.

"Well hurry up!"

"Nope, snooze ya loose sunshine," Came the reply.

"I only need to get dressed!"

"Do it in front of Matt, he would love it!"

I bit back my smile and bashed my fist once on the door, earning a small yelp from Moose, then went into the back room to find Matt still in there.

"Oi you, scoot I need to get dressed and Moose is hogging the shower," Matt looked round at me and protested by sitting down on the sofa.

"And why do I have to leave for you to change?"

This time I blushed really hard and I heard Matt chuckle from opposite me.

"Aw, that's cute. I'll turn around?"

"You'll leave?" I mimicked my suggestion as he continued laughing and stood up, walking past me and lightly slapping me on my ass.

"Oi hands off, don't touch what you can't afford!" I called after him as his laughter only got worse. What was with him today? And what was that even all about?

I shook it from my head and shut the door, quickly changing then hopping into the bathroom once I saw it was free to do my makeup.

After applying some foundation, powder, eyeliner and mascara, I finished off my makeup by filling in my eyebrows and adding some clear lipgloss, then set to work on my hair.

Brushing through my hair and then pulling it all to one side, I sighed at how boring it looked now. I'd had this style for months now and my roots were starting to come back again. I decided I would just quickly pull all my hair together into a french braid that fell down the side over my shoulder. Once that was done I headed out into the bus lounge and found Padge and Jay sitting there. Perfect.

"Hey boys, what time is Soundcheck?"

"Not sure, I think it was 5pm for today, why?" Padge replied, looking up at me from his phone.

"Oh you look nice today," He added, making me smile.

"Thanks, and awesome I want you two to come to the shops with me."

"Now?" Jay chirped in.

"Yes now, come on let's go we have stuff to do!" I clapped my hands twice and they stood up, heading off to grab their jackets.

"Oh yeah, where's Matt?" I asked as Jay came back into the room.

"Uh, Moose and him went into town or something, not sure."

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