chap 9

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the next morning as jae woke up, he sat at his place. he couldnt stop thinking about their last night kiss under yunho's coat. It wasn’t what exactly he wanted but it could be called a hopeful step.

he was about to get up when he felt two muscular and strong arms took his waist and pulled him down to lay down again.

_lets stay in bed a lil more...
yunho whispered in his ear and held him tighter.

_ure not mad at me?...
jae said after some mins spending in silence.

_i was mad at myself the whole time and i thought I was mad at u...

_wanna talk about?...

_im sorry jae...i was mad bc as u started to work i saw other men or women trying to hit on u...and i was mad bc i couldnt claim i blamed u for it...yelled at u...i was mean to u...but u opened my eyes last night...u showed me something i never saw...that wall...
jae turned in yunho arms and put a light kiss on his lips.

_its sorry alone...all the hobbies...i cant really go to tired of cooking class...or designing class...i cant go out that much with other women...u know...they might realize im a man...lets not talk about their monthly camps or trips...which i never attended...sleeping in a tent with other doubt they would realize I don’t have boobs...and im tired of shopping...and lately...u were coming back so late...and smelling weird...definitely not ur colognes...and i started to assume ur having affair...
jae said and pouted.

_oh...i never cheat on u...ure the only one i love...
he said and hugged him even tighter.

_about that wall...i just said something...

_no...u were right...theres this wall between us...and i always afraid to break it...i never think of it as a wall...but i asked u to wear women clothes cuz i always been afraid if i say im in love with a man...and i lose u...hurt u...or people bully u...thats what im scared...and i saw u last night...dashing to a toilet in park just to change…to fit in the world I’ve built for u...that struggle and afford just to stay with me...thats the kim jaejoong i fell in love with...doing anything just to keep safe his loved ones...

_i love u too...
jae said and pressed his lips on yunho's, starting a passionate kiss. soon enough yunho broke the kiss and got up and went toward the bathroom.

_in the shower?...i love it...
jae said and happily went after him. taking a shower and u make breakfast...
yunho said pushing him out of the bathroom.

_what?...but why?...

_bc i have to go to the office as i have a lot of work to do since i was mad and have not worked really this passed month...
he said, taking off his tshirt, and opening the water.

_ok...but its just a shower...
jae pouted. cant distract me...
yunho said and stood under the water.

_its Saturday and i thought we can hang out today but seems i was wrong...
Jae said, leaning to the door frame

_reserve table for dinner...around 9 tonight...i promise to not be late...

jae said while trying to sneak in under water.

_no sex...until im done working...
yunho said and pushed him away.

_when u will be done?...
_2 or 3 days...

Monday at work, valentine's day

_boss...ure coffee...
jae said and put down the cup.

_i have a reservation for 8:30...tell my wife...
yunho said, taking away his gaze from the paper which taeyeon was showing him some profits column on it.

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