final chap

22 1 0

What is the issue of press conference, boss?
Taeyeon asked
_u will know

In press conference

Hello everyone. Plz regard Our appreciation for joining this sudden conference. There was an issue that i felt everybody needs to know. I, jung yunho, the current ceo will be resigned tomorrow and the position will be passed to my beloved younger brother jung changmin.
Frankly I have been living under shadow of a big lie over these 10 years or more as the ceo of the company. I've been too sank in it that i even have forgot that it's a lie. Something happened the other day and i realized this important matter. "Some day u were the bravest boy i've ever known...facing against anything that wasn't ur will and please...but in a point of time u changed and gave up on being brave...u ran to a shelter and hid there...and all this time i was waiting for u to come out of ur comfort zone that is not real or even permanent and bravely show the whole world ur true self..." mr. Jung, ex-ceo, who is my father also, responded after i explained the issue with him.
The lie I've been living with is about my sexuality. I knew the truth of my sexuality ever since my teenage days. And i would think that if i marry this sexuality wont be any trouble to me. I was wrong. I realized that when i saw the angel of my life. Those days i was still young and charming when i fell in love at first sight with the most beautiful and perfect boy in the class.
The first day of 12th grade. As i started my work and i knew my father and whole family is against this love, i talked my lover to dress as a woman in public. Him and i, my father, my younger brother and his younger sister and two friends were the only ones who knew the truth.
We even fired the servants so any news would not leak. So all of u who have come here to this press conference, as u can see this man here, who may u know as secretary kim jaejoong is my wife as mrs. Jung.
I fell in love with him the very first time i saw him, and now i even love him more than the first time.
I'm both thankful and sorry to him. I'm thankful that he accepted my Inappropriate offer, dressed as a woman, pretended to be someone but his true self and stayed all this time by my side and i feel sorry and guilty that i proposed this deal in the first place.

All the attendees were shocked and the whole room was in a bad silence.

_hyung…what are you doing?
Changmin leaned closely and asked him, whispering

_trust me…
Yunho lipped. Then he looked confidently at jisoo who was next to changmin, then turned his head to his father who was sitting left to him.

Jisoo walked slowly to jaejoong who was standing with other secretaries near the entrance.

_oppa… I suggest u leave for now
She said and held his hand warmly.

_no… he’s back… the man I fell in love with is back… I have saw it in his eyes couple days ago… but I didn’t expect this… he’s the man who once stood for me against the whole school…
All the employees there looked at jae with an opened mouth except for Taeyeon

_so… I will resign and withdraw… open a restaurant with my own money… my husband is a very good cook… we will be pleased if u visit us…

Everybody turned and looked at jae. Some reporters started bombarding jae with questions, and some targeted yunho.

_hyung as much as I am proud of u… I’m worried about u
Changimn whispered, covering his lips with his hand.

Yunho rose on his feet, put his hand warmly on changmin shoulder. He walked toward jae, knelt down, holding a diamond ring before him
_kim jaejoong will u marry me as the strong and kind man u are?...u have been my wife all this time…will u marry me again and be my husband now?...

_oh… ive been waiting for this moment for a life time
Jae wiped his tears and held his left hand while smiling.

Yunho immediately put the ring on his finger, rose up, grabbing his waist, and conveyed his lips to his.

Though all the attendees were shocked and gasped, the family of jung were happy and shedding tears of joy.

Soon everything was back on normal.
Changmin became the ceo and ran the company alongside jisoo.

They held a rather small ceremony for their wedding.

Jae and yunho moved to jeju island and opened up a restaurant there, where jae would monitor the cooks as the chef and yunho would be the cashier. While mr jung was the taster of this cozy restaurant.


Our love in the disguise Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin