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Chuuya finally started to wake up, he felt a slight rattling sensation like he was in a moving vehicle. His eyes weren't focused yet and he wasn't thinking clearly. Chuuya saw a black car seat in front of him, who's car was he in? Wait, when did he get in the car? Chuuya finally started to grasp the situation as he sprang up in the seat. "WHERE THE HELL AM I?" Yelled Chuuya, kicking the seat in front of him and bracing himself to hijack the moving vehicle.

"Calm down Chibi, it's just me" said a voice in a relaxed tone from the front seat. "Where the hell are you taking me Dazai?" Chuuya  said judgingly as he hopped to the passenger seat to get a better look at the man driving the car. "Relax, I'm just taking you back to your apartment." Dazai said, slamming on his breaks as he almost ran a traffic light. "You really suck at driving." Chuuya said, holding in a laugh.

The sky was dark and it was raining softly. Chuuya wondered how long he was passed out for, he could barely remember what had happened. "Yknow, it's not a smart idea to stand out in the cold for a long time?" Dazai said mockingly. "Shut it, I had stuff on my mind." Chuuya said, crossing his arms and turning his head away from Dazai.

"Y'know Chuuya," Dazai said as he accelerated the vehicle. His voice sounded at ease, something about it made Chuuya jerk his head back to look at him immediately. "You really are just an annoying, short tempered dog." Dazai laughed. "What is wrong with you?" Chuuya snapped as he swung his head back. Of course that pile of bandages can't stay serious for even a second.

"But I really have missed you." The words almost melted off Dazais tongue. Chuuya froze. Dazai missed him? Chuuya was for sure it was just something Mori had said to mess with his head but having now heard Dazai himself say those very words, Chuuya was speechless.

The rest of the ride was silent. Not the bad type of silent, it was comfortable. Chuuya still didint know where his opinions on Dazai lay. He wanted to forgive him but Dazai just refuses to apologize or even bring up the incident directly. Was this his way of letting Chuuya know he hasn't quite moved on?

“Welcome home Chuuya” Dazai said, finally breaking the silence. “Thanks man.” Chuuya nodded at Dazai as he grabbed his coat from the back seat. As Chuuya opened the car door he felt his hand being held down. “I got all the work done for the mission today.” Of course Dazai was able to get everything done, hes a fucking genius. “I’m assuming you’re gonna get all the credit for it?” Chuuya said with a jealous tone as he slid his hand out from under Dazais. “I told Mori we split the tasks.” Chuuya turned to look at Dazai, their eyes locking. “Why? I’ve just been dead weight this entire day.”

People didn't do nice things for Chuuya often. He just gave and didn't expect much or even anything in return. Dazai could have so easily taken credit for this whole mission. The amount of praise he could've gotten would have been unimaginable. “Wouldn't want a Port Mafia executive to develop a bad rep.” Dazai said with a smile as he waved Chuuya a goodbye

Chuuya finally let it sink in, Dazai was going back to his regular headquarters tomorrow. He had barely just gotten the chance to catch up and Chuuya had spent the whole day drowning in his personal problems.  "Are you leaving the headquarters for good?" Chuuya said, flashing Dazai a look of concern. But to his surprise, Dazai started laughing? "Aw, is Chibi gonna miss me?" Dazai blurted out as he covered his eyes to prevent tears. "WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?" Chuuya punched the seat Dazai was sitting in. Dazais expression immediately shifted, "Hey don't mess with the leather, that was expensive." Chuuya rolled his eyes. "Are you gonna answer the question, Chuuyaaaa" Dazai said, dragging out his name and flashing his stupid puppy dog eyes. "You wish jackass." Chuuya gave Dazai a nasty look.

He'd only been with Dazai for less than a day, but things had hardly changed between the two of them. It was comforting, it felt like the relationship they had prior had been frozen in time. There was still some obvious distance, but Dazai seemed more at ease then he did all those years ago.

"Come on Chuuya say you'll miss me!!" Dazai continued to beg as he put his hands together. Chuuya shut the car door, and started walking to the apartment complex, ignoring Dazai. Dazai leaned over the passenger seat and rolled down the window. "CHUUYA NAKAHARA PLEASE!" Dazai shouted, his voice echoing through the empty parking lot. Chuuya turned around, already having made it to the front entrance "ILL MISS YOU MACKEREL, NOW SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" Chuuya shouted back, not as loud as Dazai though. Dazai smiled after finally getting the answer he wanted "Then I'll see you tomorrow shortie" Dazai smirked. Chuuya looked confused, tomorrow? Did Dazai transfer offices? "WHAT DO YOU MEAN TOMORROW?" Chuuya shouted out but it was already too late, Dazais black car had already disappeared into the night

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