He did miss Dazai

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Chuuya was early to the office today, he actually was taking Dazais criticism into consideration. It probably does look bad for a port mafia executive to arrive at work late.

Yesterday had been quite a roller coaster for him. He was passed out for the majority of the day yet so much had happened. He was still in shock that Dazai had relocated headquarters again. Had five years been enough to clear the air between them?

Chuuya really hadn't taken much thought into how he treated Dazai yesterday. He needed to put up more boundaries between the two of them. As much as Chuuya wanted to, he couldn't bring Dazai back into his life. He was the very reason Chuuya still can't manage to open up to anyone. It hurts to get close to people now. It hurts knowing it's almost mandatory to open up eventually or people will grow distant. If he refuses to open up to people they start losing trust. They start filling the gaps of Chuuyas life with rumors and lies and Chuuya allows it to happen because he refuses to speak up, and that's all Dazais fault. Dazai had broken the last piece of his already broken heart. He couldn't be fixed, he'd already been destroyed.

"Good morning Chibi" called a familiar voice from the front office. Dazai was sitting on the front desk with his legs crossed.

"And you've got the audacity to refer to me as a dog yet you wait for me at the door?" Chuuya growled as he stepped into the office. "What's so wrong with waiting around for a lost puppy to come home?" Cooed Dazai, jumping off the desk where he was sitting. "Don't you have work to get done?" Snapped Chuuya. He had purposely gotten to work early so he wouldn't have to deal with Dazai, he should've just come in late.

"I got to work at like 3 and got everything done" shrugged Dazai as he walked over to the vending machine which was conveniently beside Chuuya. "Got any cash?" Dazai said, grinning. "Fuck off." Chuuya said as he strutted towards the elevator not bothering to clock in at the front desk.

Chuuya had a decent sized office on the 3rd floor. He had gotten it after he had been promoted to executive. The walls were painted a dark gray and the majority of the furniture was a red leather. Chuuya had installed a mini wine bar towards the back even though Mori had denied him the permission to add any furniture that might damage the room but Chuuya wasn't planning on moving his office anytime soon. Chuuya walked over to the sofa in his room, he was much more productive working in a comfy setting instead of a desk.

Chuuya took a look at the stack of files he always keeps at the coffee table in front of his sofa. He had basically made the coffee table his desk. There were stains caused by the rim of mugs on the table and the paint was scratched off in a lot of places. Chuuya wasn't the most organized person so it didn't bother him, if anything it made the setting feel a lot more homie instead of the serious work environment the Port Mafia really was.

He didn't have many files to get done today. It was expected that the Port Mafia would be pretty slow on work after the compilation of project 674. Mori had completely dismissed all other cases we were working on so we would prioritize the project. It almost makes the Port Mafia look pathetic knowing Dazai had finished the remaining half of 674 in under a day.

Chuuya quickly sped through his work for the day, he completed most of it before his lunch break which gave him great pride. Chuuya shut his laptop and shoved the remaining work in an empty file and rested it beside him. As soon as Chuuya gathered his belongings to head for lunch he heard a knock at the door. Did mori send someone to check up on his work? Chuuya thought as headed to open the door. Chuuya turned the doorknob.  "Chuuya!" Shouted the man behind the door. Chuuya's face immediately melted into a frown. "What?" Chuuya said with a flat face. "Why the long look?" whined Dazai as he entered Chuuya's office uninvited. "GET THE HELL OUT" Yelled Chuuya attempting to shove Dazai out the door. "Why so pushy? Are you hiding something in here?" Smirked Dazai with a curious expression. Chuuya just wanted to get to lunch, his break was gonna be over before he could know it. "I'm trying to get to lunch jackass, you're in my way." Grunted Chuuya as he tried to squeeze past Dazai so he could exit the room. Dazais' face lit up "It's your lunch break too!?" Dazai said excitedly. Dazai was the last person Chuuya wanted to hang out with for lunch. Back when they were teeangers all Dazai did was convince Chuuya he wasn't hungry then binge off his food. Dazai bent down to get on an eye level view with Chuuya "You should totally eat lunch with-" Chuuya slammed the door in Dazais face, cutting him off.

Having Dazai in the office was going to be like their teenage years all over again. That man hasn't grown an ounce of maturity over the years and if anything he's gotten even more childish. Chuuya didn't have the time to babysit that piece of shit, he was a very important figure in the Port Mafia now. Yknow, now that Chuuya really thinks about it he has no idea what Dazais position in the Port Mafia is. Chuuya would figure he should still be in his executive position with how intelligent Dazai was, yet no one really talks about Dazai in the Port Mafia anymore. Chuuya wasn't sure if many people even knew who Dazai was. He was really reserved and stayed to himself. Chuuya always remembered how Dazai would go on and on about how he preferred doing solo missions and he hated having to team up with Chuuya. Regardless of how much Dazai preferred to work alone, the two of them always had fun together. Chuuya still mounted for their relationship to return to the way it was but at this point Chuuya's just pushing him farther and farther away. Chuuya looked back at his office and sighed. Maybe he can eat lunch with Dazai for one day.

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