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Bigger and bigger my stomach grew.

I seemed to get weaker each day. More exhausted, more hungry.

Ethan stayed by my side, helping me in every way, even though the baby wasn't his.

My anticipation got worse. I wanted to meet my baby more than anything.

Finally the day came.

Ethan rushed me to the hospital.

In four hours, I was holding my son.

Bright blue eyes, and a teeny bit of dark brown hair. His skin was tan.

Ethan smiled when he held him.

My son wouldn't know who his father really was. I couldn't let him know.

All we could do was raise him like he was Ethan's.

And that worked, too.

Happy Summer vacation!

I won't be updating until next week. We're going to the beach:)

Have a good day, tatoes.


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