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                        YEAR LATER

                        Charlottes POV:

Being a 4 year old was difficult waking up at 8 A.M just to go color at a place other than home was absurd. It was my last year in pre K I love hanging out with my friends Sammie and Ryan they were fun. We play pretend on the playground.

"Cmon kid time to wake up last day before summer break" Noah said. He's my favorite dont tell my other brothers. They big fat meanies

"Okay" is all I say because I finally get to be free. I get dressed into a unicorn dress with white Nike air forces. I have my hair in two pigtails. I eat breakfast which were Froot Loops. I was actually excited for school today. After I arrived the teachers gave out candy and snacks. Oh how I loved my food.

"Hi Ryan" I wave to him to come over to where Sammie and I where sitting eating our fruit snacks.

"Hi charli can I have some" I can't say no I loved to share. My mommy and daddy taught me they are gone.

"No go ask for some Cant we eat in peace" I giggle at Sammies comment. As I offer him some of my fruit snacks. After we had a snack we played tag and hide-and-seek as a class it was so much fun. I wanted to get home already since leo said that he would take me to get some ice cream.

After school was over I said bye to my friends and grabbed the bags with my supplies in them from my teacher. Finally I'm free.

"Hey kid let me help you with those" Leo chuckles as he grabs the bags from my grip.

"Let's go get ice cream and how was your day" I ignored the last part I was so focused on the ice cream part. Chocolate ice cream here I come. Once we got to the place I got out of my seat and walked hand to hand with Leo I was so excited I started skipping.

"Calm down kid" Leo laughed at me how dare he. After we got our ice cream we went to sit outside with them. We found a nearby lake so we dipped our feet in the water while watching the sunset and eating our ice cream.

Best day ever. Thanks Leo for today is what I forgot to tell him but who cares.

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