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The doctor came in a while ago and told them that they could take her home since they didn't think she had long.

Her treatment wasn't working and the cancer was getting worse. Charlotte would still put a smile on her face although she hadn't been able to move from the same position she was 4 weeks ago. The only reason she got up was to go to the bathroom but a nurse went with her since her brothers didn't feel comfortable going in there with her.

"Hey princess look what I brought" Noah said while holding up a Argentina shirt with Charlottes name in the back. Today was Noah's big game in the World Cup. Today was also the day Charlotte went home.

"You can wear this when we get home and you can watch me play I promise I will win for you alright" she nods she hadn't had the energy to speak either once in a while she would say a couple words but not very often. She would still put a smile on her face to make her brothers happy. She didn't want them to worry about her she was gonna be just fine.

After a couple minutes Noah gets her dressed to go home.

After a couple minutes Noah gets her dressed to go home

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(The outfit with the hoodie over it)

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(The outfit with the hoodie over it)

After they got discharged Noah took her home and set her on the couch with Mrs.Fox. He waited for Leo and Jackson to get home so he could go.

After a while both Leo and Jackson got home Noah said goodbye to Charlotte and left. They all cuddled up on the couch and watched Noah's game against Poland while eating a tub of chocolate ice cream and McDonald's. They wanted to spoil her as much as possible they didn't know when would be the last time they will be able to see her.

A couple of minutes later Charlotte was feeling extremely tired her heart was slowing down. Leo noticed.

"Fuck it's gonna be alright princess" Leo said while holding her a little tighter not wanting to let her go.

"Hey...hey it's ok mama" Jackson said as he held on her little fingers tight.

"I'm scared" her eyes started closing they could barely hear her little breathes.

"I love you Ce" Leo said while tears were escaping his eyes.

"You're gonna go see mommy and daddy it's gonna be okay princess" Jackson said in tears. It was now halftime for Noah so Leo FaceTimed him. All three of the boys were in tears. Noah was being comforted by a team member.

"I'm not a baby J I'm 7" we chuckle at her in response even Noah's team members. She gave a little smile.

That's when her eyes shut her little arms fell to her side. Her heart had stopped.

"FUCK" Jackson said in tears you could hear the pain in his voice. His little princess was gone.

Leo held on to her tight crying. You could hear Noah's team members comforting a crying Noah.

After halftime was over Noah wanted to keep his promise to his little sister. He was going to score a goal for her.

And Noah kept his promise he scored a goal and dedicated it to Charlotte. He was in tears once the game ended.

A couple weeks later it was Charlottes funeral. The boys showed no emotion. They have used up all their tears.

Her tombstone read.

Charlotte Marie Williams
Beloved daughter, sister , and friend


I know im evil. I may have almost cried writing this.

Don't worry there is a reason why I made Charlotte die. It's a villain origin story for Leo and Jackson.

I know it's not 2017 it's 2023 but I just wanted to make the second book based on 2023

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