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Leonardo pov

Charlotte can't go anywhere without her stuff animals who she calls Mrs. Fox. That damn animal stinks but it was a gift from our mother to Charlotte so it holds sentimental value.

Today Charlotte lost Mrs.Fox which is a nightmare. She has been grumpy and throwing tantrums. With Charlotte it almost feels like if she's all of our kid.

Here's a fun fact about Jackson.

He's married and has been for about a year or two Ik it's weird. Jackson as a husband I can't imagine that but somehow he's actually a gentleman.

Although she doesn't live with us since she travels for her job and Jackson chooses to stay here with us and Charli.

Don't tell him I said this but....I don't think his marriage is gonna last they were probably drunk when they got married.

I don't exactly live at home anymore I'm off to college. I'm studying to become a med student. In the future I want to become a surgeon to be able to help people.

Noah wants to become a professional football player(soccer) and Jackson who knows what he wants to become all I know is that he is our father figure even when our dad was still alive Jackson would be there. For example when I went through my first breakup he wanted to take me to a club to bad I was under age. I'm joking. But still he was there for me and Noah now he's there for Charlotte.

Everyday for the past week Charlotte has been calling me from Noah's phone asking me if I have seen Mrs.Fox. I have no clue how I would have been able to see Mrs.Fox but she still asks me. Noah tells me about her behavior. He's a snitch. Who snitches on a 5 year old that's just messed up.

Today I go home I'm on spring break. I finally get to see my little princess.

Once I got there I saw Charlotte on the couch she looked drained of energy. According to Noah she has a fever.

"Hey Ce how are you feeling kid" I go over to rub her shoulder.

"I tired Leo" she still has a smile on that pretty little face. This kid has gone through a car accident and survived it walking away without a scratch and still smiles. She's a bundle of joy. I walk over to the medicine cabinet to grab some medicine for her.

"Here mama just a little bit alright" she hates medicine.

"No lee I not sick I okay" she loves to lie when it comes to drinking medicine. If I'm being honest drinking medicine is like hell. I'm dramatic I know trust me.

"Just a little bit and I'll buy you a toy"

"Yo leo imma go I have training since tomorrow is my first game" Noah has been training for a couple weeks now and they agreed to let him on the field. If I'm being honest he's actually good at the sport. One of us had to be athletic. Definitely not me I couldn't run to save my life. In a horror movie I would probably be the first to die.

"Be careful and have fun kid" I go over and ruffle his hair. He hates when someone messes his hair up. He only lets us do it though. Not even his girlfriend is allowed to.

"Yes ma'am" gosh me and him have a love hate bond. I call him kid he calls me ma'am just the usually around here. If I'm being honest I don't know who left us to take care of a five year old I'm only 22 Jackson is 25 and Noah is only 20. People actually trust us it's hard to believe. It's good that Charlotte was given to us I would die if she was in an orphanage. Again I'm dramatic.

After I got Charlotte to drink her medicine I took her to her room to nap. She fell asleep almost immediately.

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