Chapter 1

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English is not my native language!

Ship: Jimmy x Scott

Empires Season 2 SMP

Remember; this is how I view the characters, this is my way of portraying them. If at any point you discover you don't like the story or the way it's written or disagree with how I portraited the characters, you can leave.

Trigger warning for future chapters: panic attacks, suppressing feelings and not coping with them, slight self-hatred, strong emotions, emotional events.

Let me know what you thought of the story and what your favorite part was! Enjoy!


Jimmy liked Scott. Or so he thought... turns out, he's actually in love with him, he just didn't realise it.

Aka, a series of events lead up to Jimmy realising he's in love with his best friend, Scott.

Jimmy liked Scott.

He really did. He sometimes wondered if others questioned his feelings towards the other. Sure, Scott liked to tease him relentlessly and he went along with the whole 'Jimmy is a toy' joke, but he could manage that. And sure, Scott also liked to jokingly flirt with him, but that was all good and well. He could handle it. It was after all a joke. Funnily enough, Jimmy could handle Scott's teasing the best. He had trouble with taking such things from others, but with Scott it was different. For all the teasing, Jimmy knew Scott cared about him. They're best friends after all! An unlikely duo, the Sheriff and the colourful leader of Chromia.

Nobody expected them to get along so well. They were so different, in appearance and in character. Jimmy was strict, hardworking and oblivious. Scott was easy-going, out for fun and sly. And yet, they got along immediately, becoming the best of friends. They do say 'opposites attract'...


"Scott? Scott, where are you?" Jimmy shouted as he walked along the paths of Chromia. Once he emerged from the portal, he had checked the other leader's house first, then his supposed office and the Tavern. Scott was nowhere to be seen. When he went to ask the bartender about Scott's whereabouts, he too had disappeared.


Albeit a lama, Jimmy was used to seeing Owen stand behind the bar. He sighed and shook his head, fixing his sheriff's hat to block the sun from blinding him. The sun was high in the sky, warming the ground beneath his feet. Tumble Town was way too hot at this time of day, but Chromia was surprisingly pleasant. It could be because of the different bodies of water that were scattered around the empire. As Jimmy's eyes skimmed across the colourful buildings, in search of his friend, he noticed the park close by. Was that a flash of cyan? He decided to investigate.

To say he was surprised to see the park overrun by lamas, would be a lie. He did know Scott longer than today. As he closed the gate behind him, disappointing a lama with a green carpet that was trying to escape, he called out to his friend. "Scott you in here?" There was a sound on his right, as he slowly moved through the herd of lamas.


"Over here," the Sheriff said, raising a hand. Scott chuckled as he grabbed Jimmy's other hand and pulled him towards him. Jimmy felt his heart beat faster. It was because of the slight scare, Scott suddenly appearing out of nowhere, or so he told himself. "Great timing, Sheriff!" Scott laughed," You can help me feed the lamas." Jimmy gave him a dead-panned look. "Why do you have so many lamas in here?" he questioned. Scott shrugged and handed Jimmy a bucket with what seemed to be lama food. A lama with orange carpet immediately bumped into Jimmy's side, making him spill some of the food.

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