Chapter 2

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I pack as much as I can since I may be gone for a long time. I bought a lot of new clothes to take with me. I also made sure to gather a bunch of weapons and put them in between clothes so they won't make sound.

I don't really need weapons all the time but, they make the job quick and easy. I grab a bunch of potion carriers and spread them throughout my luggage. It's better to be safe than sorry. I make sure to gather multiple sets of my assassin gear. It's easy to move in, comfortable, and breathable.

I don't worry to much about them getting dirty since they're stain proof. Which comes in handy for messy situations.

"Sweety, are you almost done?" Asks Mom.


"Ok well I want you to come down to eat and then get some rest. We want to spend some time with you before you leave, for who knows how long."

"Alright I'll be down in a few minutes."

"I'll see you in a few minutes, then."

She walks out of the room, leaving me to finish my packing. I finally finish, five full bags of things I'm going to bring. I change out of the clothes I had been wearing and put on some pajamas so I could be comfortable.

When I walked down my mom was placing food on the table.

"There you are, let's eat."

I sit down and we begin to eat. It's a really pleasant meal and my parents just blab on about their first big missions. I love them but, I don't need to be told the same stories over and over again.

Once dinner's over I excuse myself and head to my room to sleep. I don't sleep for a while, though. I just lie there in thought. I hope I do good on this mission. The main thing I keep wondering, though, is how long will this take.


That morning I put on some yoga pants and a comfortable t-shirt. I load up everything in my car and get ready to leave.

"Stay safe Serenity."

"Don't worry I will, Dad."

"Remember, Rick will make visits to see how your doing."

"I know, Mom."

"We love you."

"I love you, too."

I get in my car and wave before pulling out of the driveway. I have to go to a small town in Virginia. I tried to look for it on the map but, it wasn't on any. I finally found it on some old maps in the HQ archives.

It's an old werewolf haven. There are some humans but, they know about the werewolves. This will be an interesting mission.


After what seems like an eternity I arrive at Hillbone Valley. It's a strange name but, I guess it suits the whole werewolf thing.

I could feel my wolf getting restless. I can sense all these werewolves around me. I can feel the humans that are in this town too. The thing is that I've never felt this many werewolves all in one place. I have killed an entire pack before but they were all rogues, who were killing everything.

I stop at the address Rick gave me. It's a nice looking 2-story house that's nicely separated from other houses. Rick told me that the entire place was secured with a permanent potion that would protect me from those who want to hurt me. I guess it's good to know who my enemies are.

I pull up in the driveway, not really wanting to go in the garage right now. I grab one of my bags and walk to the front door. I unlock it and and drop my bag inside. It's a good size on the inside, not too big.

I go out and sense werewolves. They're watching me closely. I grab 2 of my other bags as I see someone walking towards me. I reach towards my pants where I have a silver knife hiding. I can sense that he's a werewolf as he approaches.

"Hello, are you new in town?"

"Yes, I'm actually just moving in."

"Ah, well you must be Andrew's cousin."


"Well it's good to know he has relatives. He normally keeps to himself."

"Yeah, he can be like that."

"Well I know you'll fit in well. Oh, by the way, my name is Lucas."

"Well, hello Lucas. My name is Serenity."

"Nice to meet you. As you can probably sense, this is a werewolf town."

"Yeah as soon as I could see the buildings, I felt it."

"Well you'll be starting school tomorrow, so for now, settle in and rest."

"I will, thank you."

"Have a good night."

"You too." He seems nice enough. As he walks away I take a mental note of how he looks. I can imagine his wolf form. He's a tan wolf with his same green eyes. My hypothesis is normally right but, we'll see soon.

I take my bags inside and get the last 2. I make sure to lock my car as I walk inside with my last 2 bags. I turn on the lights to look around and close all the curtains.

Upstairs I find that there's only 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Downstairs, there's a kitchen connected with a small dining area and a cozy living room with a flat screen. There is also a laundry room and of course a small bathroom.

I unpack all my clothes into a walk in closet in my bedroom. Then I spread the weapons out all around the house. I make sure they're well hidden but, easy to access when needed. I also hide my potions among my clothes in the closet.

I'll only bring the ones I might need during the day. Once everything is set I head on out to the grocery store and buy a lot of food. Then I head back home to put it away.

Once I'm done taking out the groceries I make myself some Mac n' Cheese. With a full stomach I change into my pajamas. I lie down in my bed. To my surprise it's really soft.

As I feel myself fall asleep, I think about the days ahead.

Thank You for Reading!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Remember Serenity will be starting high school so this might get interesting.

I'll update as much as possible. Sorry if it takes a while I want this to be good.

Let me know what I can do to make it better.


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