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Well, hello there, everyone! I'm here today to talk about something that's been on my mind for a while now--toxic feminism.

Now, first of all, let me make one thing clear--feminism, in its true meaning, is a beautiful thing. It's all about empowering women and fighting for gender equality, and hey, as a man, I'm all for that.

But, unfortunately, there seems to be this little thing going around called "toxic feminism". And let me tell you, it's not very pretty.

For Newbies, Toxic feminism is like the mean girl in high school who thinks she's better than everyone else and won't let anyone sit with her at lunch. It's the kind of feminism that says, "I don't need a man, I can do everything on my own!" - which, hey, I'm all for independence but come on, can't we all just get along?

Toxic feminism is the kind of feminism that shames women who wear makeup or dress femininely. Like, excuse me, it's called personal expression?

And don't even get me started on the man-hating. Like, sure, there are some really crappy men out there, but there are also some really amazing ones. Toxic feminism shames all men and pushes them away from feminism, which just perpetuates the cycle of gender inequality.

So, let's all raise a glass to toxic feminism - because who doesn't love a little unnecessary hate and division in their activism? But on second thought, let's ditch the toxicity and focus on empowerment and equality for all. Cheers to that!

Before reading next chapter. How about you see some gen z jokes ?
😊 (Above)

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