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Ah, the "gay best friend" trope. It's a classic, isn't it? 

The trusty sidekick who's always there to help their straight friend navigate through the treacherous waters of dating and relationships. Because, of course, being gay automatically makes you an expert on all things romance.

Let's be real here since I'm a member of the LGBTQ+ community (I'm bisexual)

The "gay best friend" trope is just a lazy way for writers to inject some token diversity into their stories without actually doing any real work. 

And it's always the same tired formula. The straight friend is clueless and helpless when it comes to matters of the heart, while the gay friend swoops in with his impeccable fashion sense and sassy one-liners to save the day.

It's as if being gay is some sort of magical power that automatically makes you a fashionista and a relationship guru. And let's not forget the constant stereotypes that are associated with the trope. The gay best friend is always portrayed as flamboyant, fashion-obsessed, and with a penchant for show tunes. Because, you know, all gay men are like that.

But what about the gay best friends who aren't like that? What about the ones who don't fit into the narrow stereotype that Hollywood has created for them? Are they not worthy of being portrayed on screen? Apparently not.

And let's talk about the underlying message behind the trope. It's essentially telling straight people that they need a gay friend to help them navigate through life. 

As if being straight is so difficult that you need a gay friend to hold your hand through it all. It's condescending, it's insulting, and it's just plain ridiculous.

So, writers of the world, let's retire the "gay best friend" trope once and for all. Let's start creating nuanced, complex characters who aren't defined by their sexuality. 

And let's stop perpetuating harmful stereotypes that do nothing but harm the LGBTQ+ community. And while we're at it, can we get some more lesbian best friends on screen? We need some gay girls to find a girl!

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