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Ah, woke movies. The bane of Hollywood's existence. It seems like every other movie these days is trying to be "woke" and "progressive", and the result is a bunch of pandering, preachy messes.

Let's start with the new Ghostbusters movie. Look, I'm all for female empowerment and all that, but did we really need a Ghostbusters movie where the entire point is to stick it to the "mansplainers" and "sexists"? 

It's like the writers were so desperate to make a feminist statement that they forgot to actually make a good movie. The result was a forgettable mess that nobody wanted to see.

And then there's Lightyear. You know, the movie that's supposed to be a "reimagining" of Buzz Lightyear's origin story. Except that they decided to replace Tim Allen with Chris Evans, presumably because Tim Allen is "problematic" or something. 

Look, I'm all for recasting if there's a good reason, but this just feels like pandering. And let's not forget the fact that the whole "woke" angle is likely to overshadow the actual story.

But the worst offender has to be Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.

 Look, I loved the first Black Panther movie as much as anyone, but there's no denying that the sequel is going to be an absolute mess. Not only is it trying to honor the legacy of Chadwick Boseman (which is a tall order in itself), but it's also trying to be a "woke" statement on everything from race to gender to politics. It's like the filmmakers are trying to tackle every social issue under the sun and forgetting to actually make a good movie in the process.

And don't even get me started on Birds of Prey. I mean, what was the point of that movie? Was it supposed to be a feminist statement? A Harley Quinn spinoff? Whatever it was, it was a mess. The plot was all over the place, the characters were forgettable, and the whole thing just felt like a missed opportunity.

In conclusion, woke movies are destroying Hollywood. Instead of focusing on making good movies with compelling characters and stories, filmmakers are more interested in pushing a social agenda. The result is a bunch of preachy, forgettable messes that nobody wants to see. Let's hope that Hollywood can get back on track and start making movies that are actually worth watching.

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