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Ah, Euphoria, the show that started out so promising and ended up being a hot mess. The first season was a breath of fresh air, breaking the tired tropes of teenage dramas and giving us complex characters with real issues. But then, the show seemed to forget what made it so great in the first place and went off the rails.

Let's start with the characters. In the first season, we had Rue, a troubled young woman struggling with addiction, and Jules, a trans girl trying to find her place in the world. They were both fascinating characters with compelling stories, and their relationship was one of the highlights of the show. 

But then, in the second season, they were sidelined in favor of... well, I'm not really sure what. The focus shifted to new characters who were nowhere near as interesting, and the result was a show that felt unfocused and bloated.

And don't even get me started on the writing. The first season had its fair share of melodrama, but it was grounded in reality and felt authentic. The second season, however, was all over the place. Characters were making decisions that made no sense, and the plot seemed to be going in circles. 

It was like the writers had no idea where they were going with the story, so they just threw in a bunch of shocking moments to keep people interested.

And let's talk about those shocking moments. Look, I'm all for pushing boundaries and exploring difficult topics, but there's a difference between doing that in a thoughtful way and doing it just for shock value. 

Euphoria seemed to be more interested in the latter, and it got old fast. It felt like every episode was trying to outdo the last one in terms of how messed up it could be. It got to the point where it felt like the show was just trying to shock us for the sake of it, without any real purpose or message behind it.

Let's talk about Cassie, a popular girl who's played by Sydney Sweeney.

Oh boy, it looks like the writer of this show has a serious vendetta against poor Cassie. It's like she's the only character who can't catch a break. Everyone else gets away with murder (sometimes literally) but Cassie? Nope, she's got to suffer.

It's almost like the writers are trying to make up for something. Did Sydney Sweeney steal someone's lunch money on set or something? Because it seems like they're going out of their way to humiliate her in every episode. I mean, come on, we get it, she's beautiful. But that doesn't mean she has to spend every scene in her underwear.

And it's not just the gratuitous nudity that's the problem. It's the fact that Cassie is constantly being punished for things that other characters get away with. Maddy falsely accusing someone of assault? No problem. Jules cheating on Rue? Eh, no big deal. But Cassie? Oh boy, she better watch out.

It's almost like the writers have some kind of weird fetish for punishing her. Like they get off on watching her suffer. And don't even get me started on that whole "daddy issues" subplot. I mean, really? Is that the best they could come up with? It's like they took the most cliché and sexist trope in the book and cranked it up to eleven.

In conclusion, it's clear that the writers of this show have some serious issues when it comes to poor Cassie. They seem to take pleasure in punishing her for things that other characters get away with, and it's not only sexist but also just lazy writing. Maybe they should take a break from their Sydney Sweeney humiliation fetish and actually try to come up with some compelling storylines for her. Just a thought and for this show, Euphoria started out strong but quickly lost its way. The characters we cared about were pushed to the side, the writing was all over the place, and the shock value became tiresome. If you're looking for a show that explores the complexities of adolescence and addiction in a nuanced way, look elsewhere.

If you're looking for a show that's just trying to be edgy and provocative, then Euphoria might be right up your alley. But personally, I'll be skipping the rest of this train wreck.

RANTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora