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Ah, yes. American culture. Once known for its global influence and intelligence, now it seems like we can't even find our way out of a paper bag...or locate any country on a map.

Seriously, have you seen those man-on-the-street interviews where they ask people to name a country or point to one on a map?

It's like watching a bunch of toddlers try to solve a Rubik's cube. And don't get me started on the people who think Africa is a country.

It's like we're living in an alternate reality where knowledge is frowned upon and ignorance is celebrated.

I mean, do people even read books anymore? Or is their entire worldview shaped by Twitter?

And let's talk about the state of American culture. What happened to the days of Elvis Presley and the Beatles? Now we have Cardi B and Lil Nas X.

Don't get me wrong, I love a good beat as much as the next person, but could we maybe have some lyrics that actually make sense?

And speaking of culture, have you tried to watch a movie or TV show lately without being bombarded by political correctness? It's like we can't enjoy anything without worrying about who might find it..."problematic".

I'm sorry, but if you can't handle a little bit of "offensive" humor, then maybe you need to toughen up a bit.

But hey, who needs knowledge or culture when we have TikTok, right? It's like we're regressing as a society, and I can't help but wonder...what's next?

Will we devolve into grunting cavemen who communicate via emojis?

In conclusion, the state of American culture and knowledge on geography is concerning, to say the least. But hey, at least we have the Kardashians...right?

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