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Roman hi guys were back with the bad boy.
Dean Roman hi Seth hi I think and Jackie I haven't seen you forever. I'm glad you came back.
Seth doesn't do anything stupid Ambrose
Dean like put you in the hospital like you did to me. Anyways Justin Bieber is that your sister you two are so close together. Like you two are a thing.
Jackie Roman cone out here for a sec, please
Roman okay behave you two.

Jackie okay what my mom did when Seth cuss she warned him first then if he does it again
He gets a timeout the third time he cussed then soap In his mouth four times soap and timeout five soap in mouth time out and spanking. If still CUSSING the six times she put soap in mouth time out and spanking and an early bedtime. Ok
Roman got it.
Walk back inside

Roman what wrong Dean Jackie get Seth out of here for a sec.
Aj Seth calls him a penis. And SLAP him. OMG, his nose is bleeding.
Roman, I going to get a washcloth.
Get a wet washcloth and tissue.

Dean holds the tissue at your nose and I'm going to wipe the blood off your face ok
Dean, he needs a good spanking and ok
Roman, I know but I'll know some tips for punishment.
Dean good
Aj I need air I'm going outside. Okay
Jey what happened to Dean
Dean Seth call me a penis and SLAP me.
Roman Dean your nose stop bleeding
Dean no I think it was broken. I don't want to go to school with a broken nose.
Roman, you going to be In iss nobody will see you beside Seth and Dolph.
Dean I don't want to be In there with Seth.
Roman dude I know but Seth and you are in trouble for what happened early. If you two didn't get in trouble you two wouldn't be In iss together.
Dean Ok. I'm not going to make you mad Like Seth is.
Roman, I'm not mad at him I'm just disappointed in him. He just does that cause the other time I let him go without punishment and I spanking him twice doing the car ride and spanking him here and put soap in mouth and time out and he misbehaves and he made you knock out that why you In here he almost hurt Aj. I'm not mad at him I'm just disappointed in him and that all.
Dean, you are a good brother. I'm glad you are. I love you and even though Seth said he hates me I'm still his brother and him still my little brother.
Roman thanks In hold your head up.
Aj Roman Jackie bleeding and crying
Roman ok I am there

What wrong Jackie and why you bleeding.
Jackie I
Justin, it was Seth or Colby I saw his face and I know it was Him cause he was my son and my dad didn't think I was ready to have a son so he put him in an adoption so I lost him for 13 months Anyways why are you here anyways
Jackie, I come here with them and Seth call me a bitch and stab me with a knife.
Roman ugh now I'm don't know what to do anyways my other brother got knock out by Seth In school and that why we here. Oh
Seth ran past his father GET AWAY FROM HIM HE ABUSED ME BYE
Seth can I hide under your blankets
Dean, you went here speedy quick what wrong.
Seth my real father out there and he an abusive.
Dean oh ok and sure.
Seth thanks, I'm sorry for all the stuff I did. I'm sorry for the CUSSING at you. You are awesome and I love you brother.
Dean it ok Seth I forgive you and you always my little brother.
Jimmy awe yeah I'm back
Jey awe brothers.
Roman, we got to go but see you.
Back to Dean room

Roman Seth why did you stab Jackie with a knife and cuss three times. I'm not going to do anything but I only heard you once so if you cuss again you will get a timeout.
Roman Jackie can I talk to you outside
Jackie sure Roman
Walk outside
Roman so what If he whines like I'm hungry I'm bored I need to go potty it hot in here. Or hitting Or get out of the timeout.
Jackie if he gets out of time out then mom just put him back and adding five minutes to the time and if he whines or hitting he get a warning the second time out third time I in his room and stay there until supper lunch or whatever. If he whines in the car you warned him first If continue pull overtake him outside and spank him if continue repeated the second time and if he whines in public warned him if continue to make him sit on a bench if continue take him to the bathroom and spank him and that goes for Dean too.
Roman ok
Dean hey bubby
Roman hi Dean
Seth it boring.
Seth Roman, I'm bored
Seth, I'm bored
Roman Seth come here
Seth walk to Roman
Roman get down to Seth level
Roman this is a warning no whining don't do it again.
Dean wow Roman you really taking pride of watching us.
Roman thanks Dean
Dean no problem
Seth, I'm hungry it hot
Seth Roman, I'm hungry I'm hot
Roman Seth come here now
Seth walked to Roman
Roman, I warned you not to whine did I
Seth yes you did
Roman and what you did
Seth, I whine
Roman ok so now you did it again so now timeout do you see that chair by the wall
Seth yes why
Roman hold on
Roman move the chair to face the wall.
Roman go sit on the chair for 13 minutes get up I add 5 every time.

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