Chapter 22

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I see Lily at lunch. "What did he say?" I ask
"If he could take me to the dance this month." She laughed "And I told him no chance."
"I heard an arrogant toe-rag." I say
"Yeah." She smiled brightly
"Who's on the planning committee." I ask
"Me and Stewart, Leah and Stevie, Madeline and Donald, Cameron and Keith for 4th years, 5th years are Annie and Percy, 6th years are Tyler and Justice, 7th years are Sarah and Dominick." She says
James, I see later in the common room. I start laughing. " What the heck." He says "did she tell you."
"Yep," I said
"She's to smart for all of this." James says drawing air circles around his face "This right here is my money maker." He says pointing to his face.
I start laughing again "What!" He demands
"Oh, nothing." I say
We head up to our dorm and go to sleep.

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