The Chumbucket

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I started my day, or rather night, in my small two room apartment building and did my skincare routine before leaving for work, I worked the nightshift at a pizza place as a security guard, Freddy pizza or something stupid like that, so I could afford to go to school.

I have only lived in Gotham for two days and already my house has been broken into, they didn't take anything and left a note saying "buy something expensive so you don't waste our time ~love robbers"

So anyway, I was walking to work when I saw some guy in an ally way, he whistled at me, he must have thought I was stupid, because there was no way I would walk into the alley way to tell him off, but just then I felt a bag go over my head and the most handsome voice I've ever heard.

"Minion! We got him! He'll be perfect for our experiment!!", I got so worried that I nearly peed myself.

They through me in a Ford T-Series (T-150, T-250, T-350).

I was being kidnapped, this was terrible, "where are you guys taking me? 😥" I asked.

I think I blacked out.

(A/N) omg you guys I loved this chapter 😄

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