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" Tragic Memory 1 "

Jihyun just nodded her head because she doesn't like to talk.(if you hadn't notice)

Damhee said.

Damhee and Jihyun went their own ways. Damhee went to the snack counter for some snacks while Jihyun went to go see the library.

"Damn Yeonhee was right, there sure are a lot of books here."
Jihyun thought to herself.

She was amazed at the amount of books at library.

"I can't wait to basically spend all of my time here!!"
She thought.

She was just looking around as she walked and not noticing, she bumped her head into one of the shelves and fell to the floor.

"OW what the fuckk"
She said to herself.

"Thank fuck nobody saw that."

She said not noticing someone who was watching from the corner of the bookshelf.

That's when the person slammed his book shut and walked towards her.

"And that's where you are wrong."

Jihyun flinched and backed a little bit.

The person offered her/ his hand but Jihyun brushed him off.

Jihyun looked up at the person. "oh FUCK he's hot" She thought.

"Uh no thank you."
Jihyun said to him

"Come on I was just trying to help~"
He said in flirty tone.

"Btw,I'm Choi Yeonjun by the way, what's your name?"

Jihyun, too embarrassed to continue the conversation, turned around and tried to rush out of the library hoping to never see this guy ever again - only for her to trip again.

She noticed her knee was bleeding.
"Shit" She muttered.

Concerned, Yeonjun rushed to her.
Seeing her bleeding knee, he said to her
"You need to go the infirmary for that."
He said

"I know"
She replied curtly.

Yeonjun tried to help her be stable but she brushed him off again.

"Like I said I don't need your help"
She said to him.

"Come on don't be rude and just accept it."
Jihyun didn't reply but let him help her and they went to the infirmary together.


"Bro where the fuck were you? I was looking for you literally everywhere."
Damhee asked Jihyun as she...just rubbed her nape.

"And why is your head swollen..."

"Don't even ask"
Jihyun replied.

Damhee just hummed and her eyes shifted to her knees.

"Wait...how did you get hurt huh?" Damhee said as she looked at jihyun very concerned .

" Oh it's nothing-" jihyun was cut off by Damhee when she pulled her hand to make her sit on one of the bench.

" Nothing you say...then why is there a fucking bandage..." Damhee said while examining her knees and her head.

While jihyun was just smiling and staring at Damhee who was so concerned about her. This made her remember how Damhee helped her for the first time.


* 4yrs back *

"Please stop bothering me...!" Jihyun cried on the ground while she was surrounded by a bunch of girls.

Difference: in love [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now