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' Tragic Memory 2 '

⚠️ Abusive content warning
⚠️ Mentions of suicide

" Anyways let's go to our class..." Damhee said .

Jihyun nodded and went to her class which was on 2nd floor..while Damhee went to her class on first floor.

As damhee entered the class it was totally empty..yeah because the classes haven't started yet and all of the students were outside.

Damhee was looking around the classroom beacuse she wanted to...

And she went towards the corner of the class to see the soft board that was decorated beautifully...

"Wow it's so pretty" Damhee thought.

When her eyes landed on a particular sketch that was done beautifully...

She read the name who made it and it was
"Choi...beomgyu...?" She read.

Is it the same beomgyu guy whom she met today , who is her brother's friend...?

"I don't even know why is my brother friends with such guy...?" Damhee said as she shrugged.

Then she heard the class door open with a loud bang.

She turned around only to roll her eyes on finding out who the person is...

"Yah! What are you doing here...in my class..." He walked towards her.

" Excuse me Mr.choi beomgyu...this is my class..." Damhee said .

" You know my name huh...and wth are you saying your class...?" Beomgyu said and moved towards her.

" Yeah any problem?" Damhee said as she crossed her arms.

" So your telling me that you're in commerce club?" Beomgyu said.

" Yes why...?" Damhee said

" Because I'm too..." Beomgyu said while Damhee eyes were wide open.

" What the fuck am I talking about...anyways why did you threw my bike keys..." Beomgyu said angrily.

" Do I look like I care..." Damhee said

" Do you even know...how difficult it is to get a new key and because of you I fucking lost it!" Beomgyu yelled.

" And..what am I supposed to do..." Damhee said , beomgyu got so angry because of her attitude and gripped her arms, which made her shocked.

"Yah! What the fuck! Get your filthy  hands off me..." Damhee yelled lightly.

" And what if I don't..." Beomgyu said and smirked.

And Damhee was staring at his face...GET BACK TO YOUR SENSES GIRL ITS NOT THE TIME!

" Beomgyu! Stop that already..." Someone said while standing near the door , beomgyu and Damhee immediately looked at that person.

Difference: in love [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now