Chapter 3

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Colby's POV: 

I just sat in my car sort of crying. There was no effort to cry the tears just spilled out. I didn't want to go home. Not to see Brennen, he's just a homophobe that coded me to be like him since I was little. But I have feels for Sam, he's different from any girl or even anyone I have met. I told Jake and Corey this. They're my closest friends and the only ones I like honestly. I had a falling out with Aryia a while back. Well, it was relationship issues, we tried to be a down low couple. 

My phone started ringing and I wiped off my tears and answered. "Hey Bren" I said tiredly. "Colby it's been like an hour where are you? Moms like actually worried." Brennen said back with slight concern. It took me by surprise I honestly thought he never felt emotion. "Uhm yeah. I'm leaving now I'll be home in 20 minutes." I said softly, my thoughts in places other than conversation. "Mhm ok", Brennen said back, and he hung up. I started my car and connected my phone with my soothing playlist to try and help me to stop being so emotional. 

I got home around 11:40 and Brennen was sitting on the couch. "Why were you out so late? We had plans." "Sorry, someone I know got a concussion, stop being a dick." "Oh well my bad for wanting quality time with you!" "Brennen. Using me as a ticket to get into high school parties is not quality time. The only reason you bring me is because your too old." "I'm 19 it is not too old for a high school party." "Yeah, unless your creepy with underage girls? Which hint hint you are. Also, its a Monday night so no we won't be partying. Goodnight." I said with anger in my voice. "Wow." He said as he scoffed. I gave him the middle finger and I took myself upstairs and into bed. 


I woke up in my own bed surprisingly. I remembered the events of the night prior. Walking around, train station, fall, someone's car and hospital? It was strange events and I sat just thinking more and more. Colby. He was with me. He took me to the hospital, and we apologized and cried together. I felt a smile and a blush on my face, and I couldn't help but giggle to myself. My bed vibrated with a handful of texts from different people. 

Aryia <3 - Hey handsome you didn't come out for school. You okay? 8:32 am

Drama Club (Kat)- Sam where are you?  8:41 am 

Drama Club (Tara)- Sam??? 8:43 am

Drama Club (Devyn)- Come on at least reply. Aryia asked us about you. 8:47 am 

Aryia <3- Sam what's going on?? 8:50 am

Aryia <3 - Blondie?? 8:51 am

Tara - Sam what the hell I'm worried sick. 9 am

It was 9:17 when I woke up and I decided to reply to them all. I texted Aryia and the group chat explaining why and what happened.  

Aryia <3 - Okay well text me back faster next time. 

Sam- I'm sorry? And no I'm not apologizing but I am confused as to what your thinking. I was in the hospital until midnight. 

Aryia <3 - Maybe think it through next time and keep your ringer on then Sam. I have to go to class now.

Sam- WOW. Okay, don't text back this is through with. 

I shake my head in utter disbelief, does he really think he deserves special treatment.

(In the Drama Club group chat)

Tara - Jesus Sam are you okay?

Kat- OMG

Dev- Ooooooh did you get a name for mystery roof guy?!?

Sam- Uh yeah no I didn't. 

Tara- Sammy what's wrong?

Sam- Aryia was a dick about how I "didn't text him soon enough."

Kat- That's bull.

Tara- WTH!

Dev- Your kidding right???

Sam- Nope

Tara- I'll beat him up for you.

Sam- Don't lmfao, I'll talk to him but for now I'm resting. Talk to you guys later.

I set my phone back down and just laid on my bed staring at my ceiling. "Sam" My mom came in with a plate of food for me. "How are you doing?" She asked me as she set the plate on my side table. "Okay I guess, kinda painful." "Here take this, are you gonna be okay while I'm off at work?" "Yes, mom I'm 17. Its 9:23 go get in the car." She laughed, placed a kiss on my head and walked out. 

Hours pass by and I do close to nothing all day. I watched some TV but did nothing other than that. Its around 3 pm and I get a knock at my door. I look through a window, but I can't clearly see who it is. "Hello?" I say as I open the door and I notice it's Colby. "Hi" he says quite drily. "The nurses wanted to make sure I checked on you, but you didn't go to school. So how are you feeling?" I laugh a little, "I'm fine. Wait, how did you get my address?" "Ah yeah, I saw it on the medical papers, can I just get your number so it's less creepy next time?" I chuckled and so did he. "Yeah." We exchanged phone numbers. "Do you wanna come in? Or do you have to go?" He smiled a goofy toothy grin and said "Yeah no I can stay around" I smiled happily.

We sat on my couch talking about our days and just random small banter. "So you come from homophobic family?" I asked with genuine curiosity. "You'd be sadly correct. My older brother is the only one who actually cares about that stuff though." I smiled and noticed there was a awkward silence starting to creep, "It's alright my dad cheated on my mom and so we moved her. And I tell people it because my mom had a job offer but of course it wouldn't be." I blurted the words, and I had tears beginning and I quickly blinked them off. "Sammy" Colby said softly and he hugged me, warm and tight. "Sam, you didn't have to bring up anything you didn't want to." "I felt like a had to since I asked about your family issues" I told him, my voice cracking between tears. "Sammy quit it you are okay; you were just curious." Colby soothed me and ran his fingers through my hair. I control my breathing and between Colby and I, I can get myself to calm down. "Sorry about that." I say wiping my face of dried tears and the little snot that happened to run as well. 

Colby and I decided to just watch a movie and keep conversation away from family and personal issues. We were sitting quite close and sort of cuddling under a blanket. I had my head laid back and I felt like I was just in pure paradise in these moments. I had one of my favorite movies on, a boy who was attractive and possibly into me. I smiled to myself proudly. A few knocks sounded from the door and I stood up. "I'll be back." Colby nodded in response. I looked out the window and analyzed the tattooed frame. It was Aryia.

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