Chapter 6

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Sam's POV: 

I found myself seated on Kat's couch with her dog Kiwi. I honestly don't know where Colby went but I was content with the dog. I noticed a lot of the people in the house started crowding into the kitchen, so I followed and shoved my way to the front. Oh, there's Colby. Jake poured shots for himself, Colby, Corey and a few other boys who were lined at the counter. I moved my way over to where Tara, Kat, and Devyn had themselves placed. "So how bad does he get when he drinks?" I ask to no one specifically. "Uhhh like a 6 out of 10." Kat replied with little to no concern in her voice. "Jesus." I say just low enough that on Tara had heard. She giggled. The boys cheered the glasses and tossed them back. "WOOO" They had all sounded in unison. Colby and I made eye contact. "Sammy!!" He walked over. Liquor lined his breath. "How much and what have you had?" I asked him, slightly annoyed. "Uh I drank 2 white claws at a regular pace, shot gunned one and I had a shot of vodka just now." He replied. "Cole if you get excessively fucked, I will not bring you home with me, understood?" "Yes Sammy... OH I LOVE THIS SONG. DANCE WITH ME SAMMY!" I laughed, he never failed to bring joy to me no matter the circumstances. I nodded to sign that I would dance with him. He took my hand in his and we moved out into the living room. Kat had been playing older throwbacks. 'Low' was the current song. Colby moved his body to the beginning beat and sang the lyrics accordingly, and getting low when the song queued him to. He also body rolled to the beat, his body on mine and at one point he had me get low with him. I was laughing the whole time; I mean who couldn't? After the song finished Colby had worn himself out and taken himself back to the kitchen and this time, he made an 'Apple Pie' shot which consisted of Fireball and Crown Apple. He made a few for him and the boys who previously shot with him, but he also handed me one. I shrugged and cheers-ed with them and shot it back. It did taste like apple pie but with a burning sensation as it went down. 

After Colby had another round of shots, tequila this time, I gave him a stern look. "Okay your done with shots." "Sammyyyyy." He whined. "Colby, I will not fight you over this, you're cut off and don't try to sneak anymore because I will know." I told him a stern tone. He simply nodded and kissed my forehead, "Yes sir" he said softly. I made Colby come with me everywhere for the night since I didn't feel like I could trust him. The song 'No Hands' started playing and Colby held my waist softly as he grinded on me from behind to the song. "Colby" I said through a few nervous giggles. "Mmm we should go to the bathroom." He whispered in my ear, and I eagerly agreed and so we went. I locked the door behind us. Colby pulled me close, and we started making out. His liquor lined tongue infecting my practically sober self. But I couldn't care, his touch was more intoxicating than the booze itself. Colby grabbed my waist and softly pushed me into the wall behind me, he moved one of his hands up my shirt just softly caressing my back. I had one hand in his hair and the other holding onto his boxer strap not wanting our waists to move from one another. The longer we made out the more passionate it got and the faster our breaths became. I wanted Colby but I know he's too drunk.  "Sam, I wanna go to your house" Colby said between our kisses. I pulled back. "Cole, honey your too drunk. I won't do that with you in this state." "Okay but can we still go to your place? I want Sammy cuddles." I smiled, "Yes Colby we can." He giggled like a toddler, and I fixed myself in the mirror. Colby fixed his hair; we shared one last quick kiss before walking out of the bathroom. I scanned the room for Jake or Corey.

"Oh shit." Colby said and he ducked down a bit. "What?" I questioned being genuinely concerned. "My brother is here." I gave him a puzzled look, but it only took sense for me to realize why this was a problem, which is also how long it took for his brother to join us. "Colby." He said with anger in his voice, "Oh heyy Brennen" Colby said in this weird awkward tone. "You are?" Brennen said looking at me, "Sam." I said with no clear expression. "So, Cole, you just went to a party and didn't invite me?" "Well, you kno-" I cut Colby off, "He doesn't have to invite you to shit!" "Pipe down queer." He replied. By now a whole crowd had formed around us. Jake and Corey standing behind Brennen looking ready to grab him at any moment. 

"Sam just go, I can stay here'" Colby told me his words starting to slur. "Nah keep your faggy lil boyfriend around." Colby gave Brennen a glare I didn't think he ever could. Brennen kept running his mouth and I was now holding on to Colby because I was scared of his temper at this point. "Brennen you're just a perverted creep. Go home." Colby said his words still slurring. "FUCK YOU. DON'T COME HOME YOU FUCKING PUSSY." Jake and Corey both grabbed one of his arms and took Brennen outside. Colby stood there huffing and in disbelief. Corey came back inside, "Let's get you guys back to Sam's." I nodded and grabbed Colby trying to keep him stable and get him in the car.

When we got to my house I needed Corey's help to get Colby into my bed. I covered him with a blanket and I shut the door softly after we walked out. "Thank you, Corey." "No problem, be safe and keep me updated if anything happens. Goodnight Sam!" He said as he started walking out, "Be careful with Devyn, I know where you live!!" I locked the door behind me, and I went back to my room. I laid down next to Colby and I cuddled into him, falling asleep quite quickly.

Colby's POV: 

I woke up with an awful hangover and holding Sam.  I turned over from holding Sam and shoved my head under a blanket, all the light in his room physically pained me. I fell back asleep, but I woke up 10 minutes later and I rushed myself into the bathroom. I threw up for what felt like forever but was actually 15 minutes. "Cole?" Sam asked as he knocked on the door, "mhmm" I responded. He came in, "Awh." Sam gathered me water, some toast and ibuprofen. He also started a shower for me.

Once I was done in the shower, I couldn't find Sam but I still felt like shit so I laid in his bed. Moments later he walked in with some greasy hangover food. "Eat up" I just smiled at him and ate the grossly greasy food. That was the real cure to this hangover. "Okay Mr. Hangover you have to go home. Tomorrow is Monday and you still haven't gone to see your parents." "Sam they honestly don't care I was in Juvie for 3 days not including my release on Saturday morning. Let me have this Sunday with you before I have to go home and to school the next day." "Fine but you go home by 8 so my mom doesn't know I've just been keeping you here." "Deal." I grab Sam's hand and just stare at his ceiling letting my thoughts drift away from me.

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