Chapter 5

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Colby's POV:    

Jake got us checked into our golf reservation and I studied our decently large group. Sam wore the biggest smile, it was adorable. "Yo, Webber can we disappear for a sec?" I asked in a strange tone that only Jake knew. "Yur gimme a sec brother" He finished signing us in and looked to the group. "We'll be back brothers and brother-ettes" I laughed and walked away from the group, Jake following. "What's up brother?" Jake asked me. "So, Sam said he told you what had happened, but he doesn't know Aryia and I had history still so don't say anything. I wanna make something out of he and I. He's really sweet. He came to see me daily." I finished talking with a big smile from ear to ear. "Brother that's great. I'm so proud of you! But how's Brennen gonna react?" "I'm probably not gonna tell him. I want Sam to be safe, act like best buds at my house you know. Plus, his mom is like never home so we could chill at his place, if you catch my drift." "EW! Gross Colby." "What as if you don't give me almost every detail about you and Tara? Also is that official yet??" I asked him, he messed with his shirt hem. "No, but I want to ask her out tonight." "Wait really?! With all of us there?!" He nodded. "AWW-" I began quite loudly. "Colby hush!" "Right right, aww" I said it more hushed this time. We poked a few jokes at one another and returned to our group. 

Sam and I fell behind everyone else; I didn't mind though. Sam was struggling with his putting. "Sammy, here." I say to him, and I go behind him. Press my body into his and take his hands into mine and swing the putter. A perfect hole in one. "Thanks" Sam says, and I can see blush on his face. "What's making you so red Sammy?" "Nothing... go golf." He says with a giggle between the pause of his words, and I do as he said. 

By the end Corey and Devyn tied for first and of course no one else cared to count. We piled back into the car. "OH!! By the way my parents just left town so I'm having a party. All of you have to come!!" Kat said pure joy in her voice.  I looked at Sam pretty much for approval. "Yeah we'll go!" "YAYAYAY thank you guys!!" She seemed so genuinely happy.

Our next destination was laser tag, we got separated into teams. Sam, Tara, Corey, Kat on a team and Devyn, Jake and I on the other.  Not to gloat but we beat them by a long shot. "Screw you guys, I didn't even know what I was doing half the time!" Tara complained as she took her vest off. "Brother, we crushed y'all" Jake said to Corey giving him a friendly punch. Corey laughed and shoved Jake in all friendliness. "So what's next on our agenda? It's like 4:30." I asked as I slicked my sweaty hair back. "Dinner!!" Corey said excitedly, "Jake if I beat you to the car you have to drive, READY SET GO" Both boys ran and the rest of us sat laughing and walked behind them. Corey ended up winning, so he took a nap on our way to my favorite restaurant, Tender Greens. 

As we pulled in I couldn't help but smile brightly. "Wow you guys really do love me." "Hey thank Jake and Corey they did it all." Sam added in. After we all ate Jake stood up. "Excuse me everyone." I looked at him with my mouth open in awe, he's actually asking Tara out right here, right now. "Tara Thompson, will you give me the honor of being your boyfriend?" Tara stood up and jumped around and pulled Jake into probably the tightest hug she can give. "YES YES YES!" We collectively clapped for the happy couple. Once we piled back into the car Corey looked around at us all. "We all need to rest before Kat's major rager of a party so I'm taking y'all home." "Can you take me to Sam's?" I asked him. "Yurr less driving for me brother." 

Sam's POV: 

Colby and I got dropped off first and he got himself comfortable on my couch, so I gave him a blanket and pillow so he could nap. I then took myself to bed.  I woke up around 8 pm and I went into the kitchen where Colby was standing sipping on water. "Good morning, Sammy." "Morning? It's PM Colbs. Anyway, I'm gonna get in the shower." Colby laughed, "Shower together and save water?" "Uh huh in your dreams." "You know it!" Colby said and he looked at me deviously. "Oh lord, what now?" "Race you to the shower!" He took off into the bathroom. "COLBY!" I ran after him, but he already had the door shut. "Let me in!! I need to shower!" "You are free to join me pretty boy!" I blushed and giggled. "Fine you can shower, be quick!" 

I sat on my bed waiting for Colby to get out of the shower. I scrolled on TikTok waiting. My door creaks open, "Hey Sam can I borrow some clothes?" I looked up and Colby was just in a towel, I could just feel the blush becoming a deeper shade the more I looked at him. I stood up and still couldn't stop. "It's rude to stare pretty boy." Colby said as he stepped closer to me. Our lips were inches away, my breath heavy and stagnant.  Colby softly grabbed my chin angling my face towards him and also bringing us closer together, just centimeters from one another's lips. I melted at his touch, and I wrapped my arms up around his neck, he pulled me into his lips. His left hand resting on my waist keeping us close. The kiss was soft and pure bliss. It wasn't my first, but it was the best. His hand that rested on my chin creeped its way into my hair, giving soft pulls making me smile into our make out session. I stumbled back onto my bed, making the brunette fall on top of me softly, the kiss never breaking. I moved my right hand up and into his hair also tugging softly. We pull back and stare into each other's eyes. "Yes, I have clothes you can borrow, just pick anything." I say to break the silence, he just laughs and stands up. "Go shower Mr. 'Let me in!! I need to shower!' go go go!" Colby teased. I rolled my eyes and took myself into the shower.

I get dressed in a simple light washed distressed jeans and a navy and yellow striped tee shirt. I look at Colby he's wearing black jeans and a Dumb & Wise shirt. "Wow Cole Brock the faggot hater, wearing my clothes." "Shush Sammy." He smiled at me and fixed his hair a little. Colby's phone buzzed and I was closer to it than he was, "Can you read me that?" I smiled in the fact he trusted me and I picked up his phone and read the text aloud. "About to get to Sam's house, will honk. That's from Corey." "Okay, you ready?" "As ready as I could be, here's a secret I don't really go to parties" Colby just laughed. The door opened. "Oh, hey mom, I'm going out to a small get together with Colby is that okay?" "Hm? Yeah of course sweetie. I love you, be safe." Corey then honked outside. "I love you too mom." I told her this hastily as Colby was already out of the door. 

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