The Lord of the Earth

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The most affected by Lanka's rise as a superpower was Kishkindha . The reason behind it was pretty clear . The fathers of the Vali  and his brother , Sugriva had been murdered by the King of Lanka . Hence Vali was eager for revenge while Sugriva though equally aggrieved was hesitant due to the dominance of demon clans in form of Raavana and Mahabali . He had complete faith in his elder brother but wasn't oblivious to the prowess of Mahabali too . The move to attack Raavana might evoke a fight with Mahabali as he too belonged to the class of demons . Hence he tried his level best to control the impulsive behavior of his eldest brother until his eldest got out of his reach .

The mastermind of warfare was adept in using every situation to his benefit . Hence when he received news of Vali's plot against himself , he formulated a plan to use him as a pawn to achieving his goal . Before Vali could attack Lanka , the grandson of Sumali took refuge under demon king Mahabali while ordering few of his spies to disclose his location to the king of Kishkindha . Hence the impulsive fool decided to attack the kingdom of Mahabali ignoring the protests of his younger brother and his ministers .

Mahabali was surprised by the submission of the man who had humbled the heaven and hell . But his arrogance and pride was fuelled by the praise of the shrewd son of Kaikasi . When arrogance blinds a man he walks into his doom . Same occurred with the two powerful warriors . The demons and the monkeys were ready to fight for a person who was enjoying his life as a guest of the great philanthropist . The Battle was fierce exterminating almost the entire race of monkeys . The demon army had massive casualties too . The father and son duo of Mahabali and Banasura bullied the hapless monkeys and their leading commanders .

The final battles were drawing near and Raavana had planned an escape from palace of Mahabali predicting the result of the war . Banasura had killed Keshari , the son of Brihaspati and one of the commanders of the monkeys . Mahabali had killed the Sugriva while Vali was busy fighting with Banasura . The death of his younger brother infuriated the monkey king and he used his complete strength to wreck havoc in the battlefield . Jambavan , the bear king and  commander of Vali's army kept Mahabali busy as the son of Indra demolished the lineage of the demon king infront of his own eyes . Death of one's own is naturally painful but what leaves a scar is the death of one's offspring . The helpless demon king took out his frustration over the son of Brahma ending his life after six manavantaranas .

The two kings were ready for the final showdown as Raavana was watching the battle from his aerial vehicle . He was accompanied by the women folk of the family of Mahabali . The prowess of Vali had terrorized all of them as they had lost their son , brother , husband and father respectively to this powerful monkey . Vindhyavalli ,  the wife of Mahabali had lost her son and now for her husband . Ratnamala and Vajrajwala were praying the preserver for their father's safety . Ambavati had fainted at the sight of her husband's corpse while young Usha was crying inconsolably being comforted by her friend Chitralekha whose father , a minister of the demon king was slain too . All this while Raavana was planning his next move .

The devastating duel between the two powerful warriors appeared to be that of equals until the monkey king evoked his boon of absorbing half of his opponents strength . The grandson of Prahalada felt as if his strength was being sucked out of him as the blows of Vali seemed to have increased four folds . The nectar of immortality was the only thing that was protecting him but Vali kept on sucking out his powers reducing him to dust as the final blow came as the writing on the wall . Nosooner did he roar victoriously than the wily son of Vishrava drew his attention towards him . As anger consumed his sanity he lunged forward to get hold of the killer of his father . But the owner of Pushpak Vimana swiftly flew away from his reach . Vali kept pursuing the flying device but the tactically brilliant Dasagriva flew straight into Mahishmati for his next course of action .

The grandson of sage Pulastya transformed into his paternal profession of priest and entered the court of Mahishmati along with the ladies . There he asked the mighty warrior Kartavirya Arjuna to offer protection to the helpless behind whom a huge monkey was chasing after . He sang a few hymns praising the might of the thousand handed devotee of Dattatreya which made his job quite easy . And now the Lord of Lanka was ready for witnessing battle between two of his puppets again .

Kartavirya ordered his whole army to gather in a trident formation to stop the giant monkey who appeared out of thin air . The warlord of Kishkindha was agitated enough to start smashing anything and everything that came his way . This cause a massive destruction in the capital city of the Kshatriya king . The damage wasn't restricted to the battlefield as even the palace had its effect . So , Princess Bhanumati and Queen Manohara along with other erstwhile royal ladies were rescued by Raavana into his vehicle . Vali was uncontrollable and hence Kartavirya had to take things into his own hands .

Now the two immensely powerful warriors one man while the other monkey were infront of each other . Vali had tired down after a big war and hence Kartavirya had an upper hand . He was dominating the major part of battle until Vali remembered to evoke his boon once again . As the monkey king regained his lost ground the casualties started increasing . Fearing the imminent the ladies were tensed enough to agree to anything that Raavana said be it however unethical as it can be .

Ravana plotted the last step of his conspiracy by capturing the wives of the monkey brothers , Tara and Ruma by previously sending a regiment of demons to Kishkindha led by Malyavan when the battles were ongoing . And now he used them as a bait to distract Vali . Seeing his women in danger with the trickster , Vali got enraged . His momentary lapse of concentration was enough for Kartavirya to get an upper hand . The women folk except the Kishkindha sisters were relieved with the monkey king in backfoot . But this was momentary as the son of Vriksharaja started evoking his boon for one last time .

Although Kartavirya had boon of strength from Dattatreya ,  yet his boon was helpless against that of Vali . The ferocious fighter started demolishing the son of Kritavirya along with the ground beneath uprooting trees and decimating the surroundings in moments . Kartavirya fought with all his strength but it wasn't enough to restrain the power sucking monkey king . The final blow landed straight on his chest taking his soul out of his body . The tired son of Indra celebrated with a roar only to fall with a thud as a single arrow launched from behind claimed his life respecting his boon . The war between the three stalwarts ended with the victory of the fourth who flew back home with the ladies of the dead as the Lord of the three realms .

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