Romantic compatibility with ENTJ

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I'm an INTJ in an 8 year relationship with my ENTJ male partner. I was raised in a fairly traditional family, where it was expected women would submit to men, so while I do sometimes find his delivery to be brash, I am happy to let him lead (or boss, as some would say). He's one of very few men I have truly respected in a way that would be required for a relationship, because we can each outpace one another intellectually in certain subjects.

He brings adventure and lighthearted joy to my life and I bring him a sense of peace and order. It's a good balance.

We have similar values - and I'm not sure all INTJ-ENTJ relationships will share that to the same degree we do - some of this is upbringing - but considering he was raised outside NYC, and I grew up in the deep south, I think it's fascinating how similar we are. We both value hard work, transparency and values-based ethics, and are fairly ambitious about living an untraditional lifestyle (no kids, upper middle class with high preference for autonomy and flexibility).

We are both happy to work heads-down at work during the day - and even though we both WFH, we don't spend much of our workday together chatting - we're quietly focused in different rooms. He's a COO and I'm a CMO - which I think are two of the best roles for our types.

I'm not sure exactly what you were looking for here - hopefully this is helpful, but feel free to ask more.

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