INFJ/INTJ experience part 2

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I think the spectrum of INFJs goes from the more artsy, creative, emotional type (ISFPish) to the more intellectual and logical type (INTJish).

The first type rarely works well with INTJs as the previous poster noted.

(the post reffered to here is the following:

If the couple are both immature there will be huge issues and most likely will not work out. The INTJ can be way too insensitive and blunt for the INFJ. Eventually the INFJ will start to pull away and the INTJ will build resentment towards her for doing so. The INTJ will not trust the INFJ and NJ will feel insulted and bitter towards the TJ. This pair is best when they are both mature.. when INFJ has developed their logic more and INTJ has softened up more.

Been with an INTJ for 9 years, it's been the toughest relationship yet..)

The second type pairing works well, INTJs tend to really like them and benefit from being with them. However, due to the same dominant function, it eventually becomes more platonic and friend or companion like. This is more satisfying to an INTJ than an INFJ—-sometime it works well longterm but other times the INFJ feels unfulfilled and this creates problems.

I would guess that this is a good late life pairing for companionship or if the INTJ is more social and communicative.

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