INFP/INTJ experience part 4

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Although INFP is considered to be somewhat of an idealistic flower child, and INTJ has a reputation of being a cold logician, I believe these two have many more similarities than they do differences. They can both be aloof and private. Both types sometimes wonder if they're on the wrong planet entirely. Both INTJ and INFP individuals are intelligent, and have no tolerance for bullshit. Both types are intuitive, and have deep thoughts and feelings (even if they don't always seem to, externally). These personality types are also both concerned with personal growth, and are endlessly curious about pretty much everything.

INFP appreciates INTJ's self-discipline and ability to attend to practical matters. Their, seeming, lack of hesitation when decisions need to be made. (Although I'm aware that they do consider things in depth before making decisions, they're not bogged down by "what ifs" as much as we INFPs are.) There are other types that have those particular traits, of course, but INTJs can also converse with INFPs on many less practical, theoretical, and even metaphysical levels. INTJ helps INFP take their big-picture ideas and organize them into practical, useful units.

From what I've gathered, INTJs are generally drawn to INFP's strong moral compass, their loyalty, honesty, imagination, intelligence, and ability to nurture. Sometimes, they even feel seen by an INFP.

And because these two are both introverts, they often enjoy similar activities, and are comfortable giving each other a lot of space and alone time.

Even though INFPs are sensitive to criticism, and hate being shut out, emotionally, they can also be extremely tenacious and resilient. This confounds INTJ's tendency to withdraw. In fact, INFP may see that withdrawal as a worthy challenge. Like another respondent pointed out, as long as these two take the time to communicate, and are reasonably mature and sensitive to one another, it seems that things generally work out well.

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