The Trickster

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Alexa woke up to the sound of loud laughter. She had a very bad feeling but she didn't know why. When she went outside she saw something that confused her. There was a slime monster wearing a crown made out of slime. There was also a floating hammer with a good looking cape with a big eye on the metal and in the middle of the 2 was what look like a puppet that looked like it was made from socks , it button eyes and wore clothes that looked like a court jesters outfit that was purple and blue with its whole soft looking body being a more dark purple, it was floating the air  laughing with a big grin on its face at soldiers that were laying on the ground that looked incredibly injured. "Bow down to Trickster the new ruler of this planet!" the hammer yelled before smacking themself onto the ground making the ground shake. "I won't bow down to a dumb puppet !" yelled Alexa she would not have this rule her village without a fight. The three strange creatures turned towards Alexa

"That's Trickster to you peasant!" yelled the slime monster. "PEASANT?! I'm the second best warrior here! Why should I bow down to a dumb puppet that I can easily slice into pieces!" yelled Alexa fuelled by anger. The hammers eye looked angry and began to float towards. But then a bunch of string came out of the jester puppets back which tied up the hammer stopping it in its tracks. "Don't worry Ham-Ham If this puny human dares to challenge me then I will make this fun with a little bet" said Trickster " if you win the fight we will leave this village alone but if I win you shall be banished from the new kingdom and go to the edge of the earth" Trickster began to burst into laughter thinking with their power they didn't think a simple warrior would stop them. "Fine then we shall fight but no help from your  2 minions" said Alexa thinking that she could deal with this jester.

But suddenly hammer appeared out of nowhere which Trickster picked up and threw at Alexa which she dodged and Alexa grabbed a sword from a nearby knight and pointed it at Trickster. Suddenly thunder came out of the sword and it electrified Trickster " really is that all you got "warrior" said Trickster before laughing. Suddenly Trickster pulled out barrel and a bunch of rockets appeared and hit Alexa and she went flying straight into a barrel. She got up already feeling like she's going to faint and stabbed the sword straight into the ground. Immediately a giant rock with 100 little rocks surrounding it came out of the ground. "prepare for your doom, you stupid puppet!" yelled Alexa as she pointed the sword at trickster and the giant rocks and the other rocks began charging at trickster at full force. " Really rocks you might as well have thrown a pebble!" yelled Trickster before grabbing their jester hat and pulling out a big toy hammer and as soon as that happened a giant and 100 normal sized spikes went right through the rocks stopping all of them in their tracks. "Listen warrior I can do this all day but I have a whole kingdom to take over so I'm going to have to break the rules. Ham-Ham get them" said Trickster as Ham-Ham  threw themself straight at Alexa and in 1 second Alexa went flying and 1 minute later she crashed into a cliff.

"Hey! Are you okay?" asked a humanoid creature covered in what looked like green paper that are known as "mummies"  holding a staff "No, I just got thrown here!" yelled Alexa angrily "hello there human '' said a humanoid dragon wearing shiny armour with a big hammer on their back. "Thrown here? Have you also been attacked by Trickster?" asked the mummy. "Wait, you have also been attacked by them?" asked Alexa "yes, sounds like he has gotten the human kingdom,  now come, we better get off this cliff and help out our kingdoms" said the dragon.

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