A short talk

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After going into a cave and after burning a bunch of wood and using wool from nearby sheep to make makeshift beds they all sit on their makeshift bed to talk. After 2 minutes of talking Sam decided to ask Alexa something important. "Alexa you said you didn't want anyone getting hurt again and if you don't mind, what happened?" asks Sam. "I don't like to talk about it but I guess it's good telling you" says Alexa.

"4 years ago my village was attacked by bandits" explains Alexa "when we were attacked all the warriors except me were training in the forest" continues Alexa "I tried to protect everyone but I was not strong enough. Half of the people I was trained to protect were killed" says Alexa before going to sleep not wanting to continue. After Alexa went to sleep Sam and Susan talked for 5 minutes. "Okay I'm getting tired goodnight Sam" says Susan before going to sleep.

Now Sam was the only one awake and for a while he wouldn't be asleep. He grabbed his staff and summoned a paper that once gave him happiness and now made him filled with anger with the wars it has caused. And he looked at the title that was the start of all this chaos "Everyone baffled as a new world has been found with life which shall now be known as  the chaos world".

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