A waking battle

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As our heroes wake they begin to hear 4 voices outside the cave. "Really captain stinger's mirror shard is back in that purple mirror oh our lord will definitely get rid of them" says one of the chaos beings. "More importantly trickster has conquered all 3 kingdoms and the whole world is in our lord's hands" says another chaos being. "More importantly once those 3 people come out of that cave we can finally get rid of these three for good! They have done so little and yet have caused so much chaos" says the 3rd chaos being. But little did these 4 chaos beings know the 3 were awake and they all knew that they had to deal with more of the chaos beings than they expected.

As Susan grabs her hammer and Sam gets his staff and Alexa gets her sword they all realise they should probably see what they're dealing with.As they peek outside the cave they see what they're dealing with.They saw a box with cut out eyes like what they saw back when they fought captain stinger and Susan had to grab Alexa to make her not throw the sword into the box. They saw another wolf hand with a wizard hat floating above them. "What are you doing?" asks the wolf hand. "Well when they arrive I can combine you and my power to defeat them and all i have to do is be on your finger" says the wizard hat. And the last one was another floating knight's helmet with 2 floating swords but something was different. On the head was a flag on their helmet with captain written on it. Then our heroes decided to get out of the cave and fight the group of chaos beings.

But before they could even step out of the cave they heard a chaos being yelling "What are you 4 idiots doing!". They look and see a floating sheriff hat with bullets floating near them. "Oh hello there Random bullet we're just standing here to get rid of the 3 troublemakers" says the knight's helmet. "How is standing near this cave gonna help?!?! You know what you all can just stay here I'll be on patrol somewhere else" says Random bullet angrily before leaving.

Then our three heroes decided to attack and walked out of the cave. "Surprise! We were awake all along" says Susan. Then Alexa stabs her sword into the ground and a huge rock and Little Rock's come out of the ground. Immediately the wizard hat got onto one of the wolf hands fingers and suddenly magic began to surround the wolf hand. "I hope this works!" yells Alexa as the rocks begin to go towards the knight's helmet. Then all the rocks threw themselves against the knights helmet and after 2 seconds the knights helmet returned to the chaos portal. But then the wolf hand snapped its fingers and 20 magic fists appeared above our heroes. "And with another snap of my fingers you 3 are done for!" Yells the wolf hand as they snap their fingers and the magic fists crushes our 3 heroes.

"Did you really think a spell as weak as magic fists would get rid of us?" Asks Susan as our three heroes get up. Then Sam points his staff at the magic hat and thunder comes out of the staff and hits the magic hat making it fall off. But then the swords begin to point at the sky and the swords begin to charge. "Wolf hand! Distract these 3 while I get back up!" Commands the wizard hat as a magic beam comes out of it hitting one of the magic swords.

Then lasers begin to come out of the sword's tip as a portal to the chaos realm appears even faster than before. As they look up they see 3 boxes and 1 wolf hand with a dagger. And then the wolf hands charges towards Alexa and Alexa gets hit throwing her back into the cave. As she struggles to get up she notices paper on Sam's makeshift bed. After finally getting up Alexa walks towards the "bed" and grabs the paper. And to her surprise what was written on the paper was nothing Alexa has ever heard of before.

Meanwhile in the fight the 3 boxes and wolf hand have dropped down from the portal. "Hah! Now with our backup you 3 are..... Wait, where is the 3rd one?" asks the wizard hat. "Well last time I saw her she was punched by me into the cave" says the wolf hand. Then suddenly Alexa burst out of the cave and sliced one of the boxes in half making it return to the chaos portal. "Did you think one punch would stop me?" asks Alexa. The other 2 boxes in absolute fear began to fire at Alexa and a pan and a teddy bear came out of the boxes. But sadly for the boxes the teddy bear did nothing and Alexa managed to dodge the pan and so Alexa stabbed the two boxes and they both returned to the chaos portal. And then Sam uses 25 magic fists to hit the daggered wolf hand and Susan takes the dagger and then crushes the wolf hand. And all that remained was the magic hat as Sam uses a bigger magic fist to crush the swords.

And after 2 minutes it turns out the wizard hat was pretty weak as it returned to its world. But before Sam or Susan could celebrate Alexa says "okay Sam I know we just won but we need to talk" as she pulls out the paper.

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