Hidden Secrets

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Sam stared at the paper and panicked "Well...uh...you....I...." "I what Sam" says Susan aggressively. "Well to tell you 2 about it....." says Sam, his brain spinning. "Well if you meant to tell us why don't you tell us now?" asks Alexa. "Well you.......this chaos beings taking over........ It happened before" says Sam, calming down.

The 2 heroes stared at Sam in confusion "Why do you mean this happened before?" ask Susan and Alexa. "Well you see....... As you can see from the paper about 13 years ago using magic we found the chaos world..........  They were peaceful but..... Over time they were being chaotic and chaotic and......then the chaos beings were so chaotic all mummies dragons and humans decided they had enough and waged war against the chaos beings.....and to make it short after defeating the five chaos leaders and stealing the crown of power-" says Sam before getting interrupted by Susan saying "Wait the crown of power didn't belong to us?". "No it didn't it belonged to the chaos beings leader  and when we stole we used it to seal the chaos beings in their world and you see.....that's what is confusing me..." says Sam before sitting down,

"What is confusing  you Sam?" Asks Alexa sitting down with him "Well the chaos portal being opened by Trickster it is just one thing that is confusing me and that is the fact....it's impossible to open the chaos portal now" says Sam. "How could opening the chaos portal be impossible if it was opened before?" asks Susan in curiosity, sitting down too. "Well 7 years ago while you 2 I think you 2  would be in safety since you Susan were in a training tower doing this and I think you too Alexa" says Sam. "Yes you are correct" answers both of them. "Well during that a person named Void stole the crown of power and unleashed the chaos portal again. And what started was a 5 month war against the 3 kingdoms and it was bad but eventually the dragon queen the mummy king and the queen human defeated Void  and sealed him in a mirror which they broke into pieces which they put into a random place but the thing the crown of power is still in the mirror with Void so how the hell has Trickster opened the chaos portal again. The only thing is the chaos portal which has been dead for years!?" Says Sam trying to rack his brain with all of it. "Don't worry Sam I'm sure we will understand it all when this is over" says Alexa trying to calm Sam down. "Yeah Alexa is right as my mom says "secrets will always be revealed '''' says Susan. "Thanks guys I am sorry if my explanation was a bit confusing" says Sam. "Oh don't worry you were a bit fast but we understood everything" says Susan and Alexa. "Now if we are ready" says Susan "WHO IS READY TO SAVE THE MUMMY KINGDOM!" yells Susan like they are about to go to war. "WE ARE!" says Alexa and Sam. "THEN LET'S GO!" says Susan as they all run towards the mummy kingdom.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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