The rise of the chaos beings

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After a few minutes the 3
"So Trickster just showed up and conquered your kingdoms?" asks Alexa. "Oh he did much worse, he has opened the portal of chaos which contains armies of the most weird and strangest creatures ever known as chaos beings" says the mummy. "Also a quick question what are your names? We have been talking for 3 minutes and we haven't said our names" says Alexa. "Good point my  name is Sam" says the mummy/Sam "and my name is Susan now what's yours human" says the dragon/Susan "well my name is Alexa" says Alexa. "Hey! What are you 3 doing here?" Asks a floating wolf hand with sharp claws and a eye on its palm who points at the three "hey wait a moment! You 3 are the people who tried to fight Trickster, didn't he say to go to the edge of the earth?" says a floating knight's helmet with 2 floating swords  near it. "A more important question is who are you 2 and what are you going to do with us not being at the edge of the earth like that dumb puppet said?" Questions Susan aggressively as she pulls out her hammer. "Oh you want to fight fine then let's fight!" says the wolf hand excited as they prepare to punch Susan "uh Susan? I think you have gotten us in a fight with 2 chaos beings from the chaos portal" says Sam as he begins to step back. "Well then hope they like a hammer in their head!" yells Susan as she charges at the wolf hand. "Don't worry Sam, me and Susan will deal with them" says Alexa as she pulls out her sword and charges at the knight helmet with 2 floating swords.

Immediately the wolf hand punched Susan in the face and Alexa stopped charging at the knight helmet and remembering the dagger in her pocket and she pulled out the dagger from her pocket and threw it straight at the wolf hand. As soon as the dagger stabbed the wolf hand it began to go crazy and a burst of random light  began coming out of the middle of the wolf hand then it disappeared in a beam of light. "What just happened?" asks Susan "I believe what happened is the wolf hand went back inside the chaos portal, It seems that the chaos beings might return to the chaos portal when we defeat them" says Sam. Suddenly the knight helmet points the floating swords at Alexa and Susan then the swords began charging up a laser. "Uh... Sam, do you think I could get my dagger back from the chaos portal?" asks Alexa "sadly no what gets in the chaos portal if not opened which almost everything can't do stays in there" says Sam. Suddenly Susan crushes the knight's helmet  and the knight suffers the same fate as the wolf hand but our three heroes began to notice the swords are still charging.

Then the swords point at the sky and the lasers fire and the 3 see a portal begin opening up. As they look at the portal they see 9 chaos beings that can now come out of a chaos portal look at our heroes. Sam then pointed his staff and a fire ball appeared  out of nowhere hitting one of the swords and after 1 minute the sword began to float to the chaos portal. As the 9 beings begin to jump out of the portal Alexa hits the last sword with her sword causing the sword to also float up into the portal. After the sword returns to the portal it immediately closes. "So Alexa and Susan, how about we go to my kingdom to hopefully save my home" "why you first?" asks Susan  "well it seems to be kind of close to the kingdom and I know something that could help us," says Sam. "Okay here's a little plan with that plan we go to your kingdom first then The dragons kingdom kingdom to get some more weapons then finally the humans kingdom to hope Trickster is there so we can destroy him and save the three kingdoms" says Alexa "agreed!" says both Susan and Sam.

The Legends of Chaos 1 The Three KingdomsWhere stories live. Discover now