A burning sting

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As our heroes are nearing the mummy kingdom Alexa hears Sam whisper to himself "how could trickster even open the portal. They don't have the crown. That's the only thing that could do that can open it... right?"."Sam, what are you whispering about what could open the chaos portal?" asks Alexa "oh god you heard that! Well.... I can tell you but I think it's better to show you at the tower" says Sam. "Looks like we are arriving soon" says Susan as she points to a giant mummy head on top of a giant tower with many other buildings that seem to be surrounded by a wall.

As the 3 heroes continue walking to the mummy kingdom They all feel a tiny bit of pain on their back that is lasting for a while. "Uh.... was it just me or have you 2 been feeling that tiny pain on your back?" asks Susan "yes I did it felt like a fireball that did nothing" says Sam. As our heroes are feeling the tiny pain they start to hear 6 buzzing sounds from behind them and when they looked behind them they see 6 bees shooting small fireballs from their mouths. "You all shall not pass to the mummy kingdom!" yells all six bees as they continue to shoot the tiny fireballs. "Hah! Really 6 little bees will stop us" says Susan as she lightly touches her hammer on one of the bees knocking it out. Sam then points their staff at them and another falls to sleep falling to the ground but a bee managed to carry it into a bush saving it including the bee that got knocked out and then Alexa knocked out another bee and put it in the same bush where the 2 bees were carried too. And our three heroes begin knocking out and putting to sleep the bees and putting them in the same bush till one remains. "Okay listen here bee we will spare you if you tell us where Trickster is right now" says Alexa "never! Time for our true form!" says the bee as the other 5 bees begin to float around them. Then in a huge puff of smoke the heroes don't see a little bee anymore they see a giant bee in front of them and they all realise they are in trouble.

Then the giant bee begins flapping their wings as fast as they can. "Really? That is what you going to do big bee flap us to death?" says Alexa before laughing "it's captain Stinger to you!" yells Stinger as 2 boxes with holes for eyes are literally just come out of the bushes "what is happening?" questions the 2 boxes. "What is happening is these 3 must be destroyed and you 2 are going to help me" says Stinger " oh... okay" says the boxes. Immediately the 2 boxes fall over and their flaps open and random stuff begins coming out of the boxes. They all manage to dodge a lot of the random stuff Alexa even managed to find a replacement dagger but as a sword came out of one of the boxes that's when Sam's luck ran out. Sam screamed in agony as the other 2 heroes were struck by panic and they both ran towards Sam. "Oh god! Uh.. come on I know it's in here" says Susan as she searches her pockets. Alexa stayed silent and tried to remove the sword from his arm and after one 1 minute managed to remove the sword. "Found it!" yells Susan with relief as she pulled a bandage from her pockets and wrapped it around the arm. "Susan you get Sam to a safe place I'll go deal with captain Stinger" says Alexa "no we shouldn't continue the fight in any way we need to get out of here!" yells Susan. "No, I'm not letting anyone get hurt not again...." says Alexa. "Bu-" says Susan "GO!" yells Alexa "...okay" says Susan as she begins to run away with Sam.

Immediately the boxes were stabbed by her sword multiple times. "Hmmm.. seems like you're stronger than I thought" says ????. Alexa was confused, she looked around and then looked back to captain Stinger and then saw something weird on their neck: a necklace with a mirror shard. As soon as she noticed the necklace she charged at Stinger who began charging a large fireball. And sadly Stinger managed to shoot her with a fireball before she could slice the necklace in half and Alexa was pushed into a tree by the fireball and she almost blacked out from the fireball and then she knew she was doomed . As Alexa stood up and looked at Stinger she got an idea but she knew if it didn't work she was done for.

"Hey, look a mirror shard behind you!" yells Alexa hoping it somehow works. And to Alexa's surprise it worked! Stinger looks behind them and acting fast Alexa cuts the necklace hoping it would do something. As soon as Stinger realised Alexa cut their necklace they all yelled at Alexa "what have you done!". "I did nothing i just cut your weird necklace off" says Alexa trying to be happy from her because of the 2 facts of Sam is ok and the fact if she didn't say what she said she would be dead. Then something happened to Stinger that made Alexa confused. A sort of purple energy began coming out of Stinger and what Alexa didn't notice was the mirror shard glowing more and more purple. Then the weirdest thing happened Stinger split into 2 medium sized bees . "Oh god!" yells both of the Stingers as they fly away. "He is going to be so mad when he knows of what has happened" says on the Stingers to the other Stinger.

"Alexa are you okay?" asks Susan coming out of the shadows carrying Sam with a big bandage on his arm. "Yes but I need a rest cause I think I am losing my mind" says Alexa as she walks towards the other 2 heroes. "I agree I think we need a rest but what do you mean you're going crazy?" asks Susan as they all begin to walk a bit deeper into the forest to rest. "Well when I stabbed the 2 boxes I heard a voice saying I was more powerful than I thought" says Alexa. As they walk away the mirror shard begins to float and flies towards the direction of the human kingdom.

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