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If I thought the energy at the last game was electric, this one is nuclear. Even with most of the stars, including Hayes, resting for most of the game in preparation for the playoffs that start in three days, the crowd is on edge and hyped for their team.

When I picked up the tickets from the box office I was shocked to learn they were on the glass. The ones I'd received complimentary from the team had been at the top of the first level and while they had seemed great at the time they pale in comparison to this.

I'm a little disappointed that I had to come alone. Rachel wasn't able to get off for the night. The last time she'd left her staff alone to handle a hockey night crowd had ended in disaster and added stress for her, so unfortunately it's just me tonight.

There isn't much of a chance to be lonely though, as soon as I sit down a beautiful woman with olive skin and dark hair drops down into the seat on my left side.

"You must be Maggie." She says, a wide and perfectly white smile showing as she turns to face me.

"Um...yes?" I say, the words coming out like a question as my eyes dart around as if to look for an answer and I wonder how she knows who I am.

"I'm Layne Freeman. Wesley Allen's best friend."

It takes me a minute to figure out who Wesley is. A dawn of realization that he's one of Hayes best friends and teammates.

"I was in the locker room earlier to surprise Wes and Hansen asked me to look out for you. Welcome you to the club of sorts I guess." She waves away with her hand.

"Oh, that was nice. I was a little worried about coming by myself tonight. I didn't expect the seats to be so close. Last time I came I was a good ways back from the ice." I'm a little taken aback but flattered that Hayes would try to look out for me like that. I had told him earlier by text that I would be flying solo but coming.

"Yeah, the boys don't always get the good seats but it's the last game of the year so the friends and families usually get decent spots."

I hum in agreement. "Too bad I get to sit this close and Hayes isn't even playing much."

"Yeah, but it's better than risking an injury right before the playoffs. I think Hayes would probably rather die than have to sit out the postseason. He'd be convinced it was solely his fault if they lost out."

I turn my face slightly so that I can better see her facial reactions. "Is he always like that?"

It's a question I've been wondering since our date the other night where he had shown me the side of himself that was riddled with self doubt.

"Like what?"

"So... just–hard on himself–I guess?"

"Oh." She gives an abrupt, sarcastic laugh. "Yeah. No one hates Hayes like Hayes himself. He's been like that as long as I've known him."

"And how long is that?" I ask, purely curious.

"Uhh, probably like three-ish years? He got traded here a few years after Wesley and they hit it off pretty much immediately. Hansen's a bit of an odd duck though. He loves the team and he'll outwork anyone but he's a little unsure of himself."

"So I've noticed." I nod.

"I'm really not sure what that's about either. He's been a great captain and I know Wes tells him that. For some reason though he doesn't seem to believe it."

A mental flashback of the look on Hayes's face when he'd told me as much dashes through my mind. There's a story there, and I hope one day to understand why he just can't seem to have confidence in himself.

"So you and Wesley?" I ask, innuendo clear and eyebrows raised.

"Oh, no. Hah." She laughs. "We're not together or anything. We met in high school and have been friends ever since. I'm actually only here for a few days. I've been working in London and just needed a little break, it's been a rough few weeks."

"Ooh, I've always wanted to go abroad. I'm hoping after I get my pay from this job I might be able to afford a big European adventure."

"Yeah," She smiles but it doesn't quite reach her eyes, "I always dreamed about living abroad but so far it hasn't been exactly what I expected."

Her confession sets her lips in a frown and I wait for her to finish.

"I just thought it would be this big, exciting adventure but mostly it's been lonely. The company I work for, at least my department, hasn't been all that welcoming and I don't know...I've honestly been thinking about moving back to the states."

"You've gotta do what makes you happy." I tell her, not missing the way her eyes dart towards the bench where the team has just settled after exiting the locker room, ready to start the second period.

I find myself looking for Hayes, a giddy feeling filling up my belly when I find him, an even better feeling when his blue eyes find mine and he shoots me a wink. Maybe it's time I take a little of my own advice.


Truthfully, I feel kind of silly standing among the wives, girlfriends and other assorted loved ones waiting in the players suite for the team to exit the locker room. Layne convinced me that Hayes had made her promise to drag me here though and if, when he appears, I judge that to be anything other than the absolute truth I may have to kill my potential new friend. If I don't die of embarrassment first.

A moment later though it appears Layne has nothing to worry about. Hayes greets me with a wide smile and open arms, his hair still damp from his post game shower. He smells like cinnamon and something I can't quite place but the scent alone is enough to make me want to lick him.

Get your shit together, Magnolia. I mentally curse myself. Using my whole name so that my psyche knows I mean business.

"Hey, I'm so glad you came!"

"Of course. Thanks for the tickets, the seats were amazing!"

He gives a bashful half smile. "Not a problem. Besides, I'm still on a mission to make a true hockey fan out of you."

"After the past few games I'm not sure it'll be much of a challenge." I say, finding that I mean it sincerely. The fast pace, the energy in the building, it all makes it a little hard to not get swept up in the moment and the desire to be a part of it all.

"Plus you think the Captain's pretty hot, huh?" He asks, the smirk on his face and quip reminds me of his demeanor the first night we met. When I'd splashed a drink all over him and he hadn't seemed like a man with heavily burdened shoulders.

"He's alright, I guess. That Faulkner though, geesh" I tease, bringing my hand to my forehead and pretending to feel faint.

"Not funny." He says dead pan, straightening to his full height and leaning his shoulder against the concrete walk we're standing by. His arms rise to cross over his chest, his sleeves pulling up and I'm once again entranced by his veiny, muscular forearms. Fuck.

"So, we usually go out to Malcolm's, or well, the team does–me not so much. Anyways, tonight I've invited everyone back to my place to celebrate the end of the regular season, seemed like the Captain-y thing to do. So..."

My eyes widen in realization. "So, you want me–to come?"

"If you haven't got anything better to do, I'd love to have you."

My mind takes that to a dirty place and I mentally slap myself as my body nods without my permission. Not that I'm complaining.

Tonight I'm going to finally shove my inhibitions aside and go after what I want: Hayes Hansen.  

Hayes (A Carolina Cyclones Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora