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"He gave you a key?" Rachel practically screams over lunch the following day. I've just finished rehashing all the details of the night before. I left out the part that happened next, how we'd celebrated this step in our relationship by him drawing me a bath that he joined me in and the way we'd spent our time tangled between the sheets until the early hours of the morning, only stopping to refuel with the lasagna he'd had delivered from one of my favorite restaurants.

"Geez, be a little louder, Rach. I don't think they heard you on Mars." I tease.

"Sorry!" She says, lowering her voice to a whisper. "But I mean, this is a huge step! He's inviting you into his personal space and he doesn't do that often. Beau, the team's goalie? He comes into the bar most nights and we've talked some. It came up that you and I are roommates and he was talking about how different Hayes has been the past few months."
I struggle to fight the blush that spreads across my face.

"Yeah, he's a pretty private person. He had a party at his house a few weeks ago and that was a huge deal."

"Exactly, and now he's given you free reign to his most sacred space. That's monumental."

"I think it's really just convenient since I'm there all the time now and we've been having to switch his key back and forth. It just kind of makes sense."

"You can downplay it if you want," she shrugs. "But that man has it bad for you."


"I've got something for you" Hayes says, approaching me from behind and slipping his head into the crook of my neck, pressing a gentle kiss against the delicate skin there and sending goosebumps shooting up all across my skin.

"Another present? The key wasn't enough?" I laugh, the scruff from the start of his playoff beard tickling my chin.

"Eh, this is less monumental but it's necessary. At least in my mind. Close your eyes."

I follow his instructions and he grabs on to my wrist, spinning me around before telling me to open my eyes. When I do I'm greeted with the sight of a cyclones jersey, black with a teal number 37 and "Hansen" spread across the nameplate.

"See, necessary." He smirks, leaning forward for a kiss as he places the jersey in my hands.
"Gotta have you in the stands wearing my number for the playoffs. If you're gonna be my good luck charm anyways."

"I don't know." I tease, "that seems like an awful lot of pressure to put on my shoulders."

"Well buck up buttercup." He grins, wrapping his arms around my waist and lifting me up. My legs twine around him, holding us together as he lavishes me with tender kisses over and over.

I feel his arousal grow between us and can't fight the smile that slips to my lips. The one that seems to be ever present since Hayes came into my life.

"Hayes..." I say, attempting to pull away slightly but he responds my simply tightening his grip. "Morning skate..."

"Fuck it."

He replies and I laugh, bringing a smile to his face too because we both know how important these next few weeks are for the team. For him. Even if the idea of spending more time naked in his bed is incredibly appealing it's my duty as a supportive girlfriend to help him keep his eyes on the prize.

"You don't wanna start something you can't finish." I mumble half-heartedly, hoping to jolt some sense into him. We simply don't have time before he needs to head to the arena.

He groans in annoyance as he finally pulls away, resting his forehead against mine, our eyes connecting and his clear want easily visible. "Never in my life has the thought of going to the rink made me want to scream like it does right now."

"Yeah," I say, a twinkle in my eye, "but when you get back from morning skate I'll let you make me scream before your nap."

He groans, retaking me in his arms, his lips pressing firmly to mine as our tongues do an intimate dance. After a few moments he finally releases me, letting me slip down until my feet touch the floor and we break apart.

"How am I supposed to leave you when you say shit like that?" His tongue sweeps across his lower lip and I wish I could do what I want and drag him to bed. But I know he has a job to do, a team that's counting on their captain.

"I'll still be here when you get home for your nap."

"Yeah, but patience is a virtue I seem to be lacking right now." He mutters.

"How about this, if you're a good boy and go to practice I'll be waiting for you when you get home.." I start and he lifts an eyebrow in curiosity. "And I'll be wearing this." I say, lifting my new jersey. He hums in appreciation and I hold up a finger to let him know I'm not quite finished. "Only...this."

His eyes widen, hunger blazing a trail across his face as a loud growl rips from his chest. "You're evil." He groans, blowing out a long breath before he places a last long kiss and steps back, his erection is clearly visible through his gray sweatpants and I can't help but chuckle as he shakes his head at me, clearly amused. "I can't get enough of you, Maggs. I'll be home as soon as I can."

And with that he grabs his practice bag and disappears out the door.

An: SORRY it's been so long but I'm readjusting to writing on my phone until I get my new laptop! Bare with me 🖤


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