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"It should be pretty laid back. Wesley invited our team and a plus one for everyone so hopefully this is a low key way to start introducing you around."

I think Hayes is more nervous than I am.
He's pulled at his collar at least ten times since he picked me up in his Mercedes five minutes ago. Turns out Wesley doesn't live all that far from me. He looks so fucking handsome in his dark jeans and white tshirt. I'm kind of regretting that we agreed we wouldn't get too handsy tonight.

Wesley's house is big but not ostentatious. It's a typical two-story colonial home with a wrap around front porch and a literal white picket fence lining the front yard. It looks like the kind of place you'd envision a young family, not necessarily a bachelor.

Clearly, Hayes has been here before and he saunters up the three steps of the front porch and opens the door without knocking.

"Allen!" He bellows out, shutting the door behind us once inside when no one is in sight.

"Back here, Hayes!"

We follow the sound of the voice through a living room and short hallway until we see a group of people scattered past a partially open glass sliding door. The door opens to a screened in porch that has access to the outdoor living space. The area outside has a concrete floor with a bricked in, chef quality grill and pizza oven. There's also a complete patio furniture set with a sectional and several chairs all pointed towards a flat screen tv that is mounted above an outdoor fireplace.

"Shit, if this was my backyard I'd never go inside." I say, though I don't think Hayes hears me, too focused on returning all the greetings and offered handshakes to his teammates as he leads me through the throng of people until I see Layne and, who I know from the games is, Wesley Allen.

"Maggie! So great to see you again." I stumble backwards a little as Layne wraps me in a hug.

"Hi! Yes, it's so great to see you."

"And this," Hayes directs, "Is Wesley."

We exchange handshakes. "Nice to meet you Maggie. I've heard alot about you."

"All good things I hope." I say, looking at Hayes.

"Always." He promises, slinging his arm around my shoulders and pressing a kiss to my forehead. The gesture is simple and sweet but it makes me feel giddy inside.

My bar for relationships is basically on the floor. My last boyfriend was a piece of shit that I allowed to overstay his welcome in my life. He did me a favor when he broke up with me more than six months ago even if it hadn't seemed like it at the time. Never would Eric have so proudly shown me signs of affection in front of his friends or coworkers. The effortless way Hayes welcomes me into his world, into his team family, softens my heart towards him. As if it wasn't already practically putty in his hands.

Conversation flows easily between the four of us and I get to hear lots of stories from Hayes's hockey career over the last few years. Others cycle in and out of the conversation and I meet some more of Hayes's teammates. When I meet Jax, the only person present who seems more than a little tipsy, in fact he seems downright drunk, I begin to understand why Hayes is always so worried about him.

The night wears on, the spring that is quickly becoming summer sun sinks from the sky, painting a gorgeous orange and blue sky in the distance that serves as a lovely backdrop for a night spent eating good food paired with great drinks until soft music begins to trickle from a wired sound system in the backyard. Couples pair off, some settling into the–as I'd found out earlier while enjoying a glass of white wine– surprisingly comfortable deck furniture while others nestle close and sway gently to the music. It's comfortable and casual and perfect. A few nights ago I had wondered if I would ever be able to fit into Hayes world, one of the main reservations I had about pursuing something with him, and yet here, in his teammate's backyard I'm realizing that because he's surrounded by such great people it shouldn't be a worry at all. I feel welcomed. I feel included. And that isn't a feeling that's always been easy to come by for me.

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