Chapter Six

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7 P.M.

Trina walked up to the dimly lit waterfront witnessing the male setting up a picnic. Her footsteps startled him, making him quickly turn in her direction. “Sorry, did I scare you?” He shook his head. “What? No, of course not.”

She laughed at how he shrugged off how she crept up on him. “You did all of this yourself?” She gestured to the hanging lights, the mat, and the blanket set up on the ground.

He pointed to the lights. “I’m pretty sure those are from Christmas. They never took them down.” He witnessed how Trina's bottom lip pulled down playfully, then back up to a small smile. “shall we?” He began to sit down, holding his hand for her to follow.

The laughter from the duo echoed as they cleaned up the area. “I’m being for real, Jasper.” Her smile was bright as she spoke with the male. “I believe you.” He stated, standing up with his bag filled with the items. “Thank you for tonight. I had a great time.” He nodded. “It’s my pleasure; you deserve it.”

She nodded softly as she watched him approach her. She swallowed harshly as he approached her until his lips eventually met hers.

Her hand was laid on his chest as she returned the intimate gesture.

She pulled away slowly, shyly stepping back. “I’m going to head home; it’s getting late.” She whispered, and he nodded. “Let me know when you reach so I know you’re safe.” He told her softly; she nodded in return. “Likewise to you.” She turned around and went to her car when she had a mini freak out.

Trina had no idea how to feel; that action was not on her radar tonight. Did she regret it? No. However, some felt she did something wrong….or someone wrong.

Trina parked in her home garage and entered the house from the door. She sat on the couch, satisfied from her time with Jasper tonight but could not shake her guilt.

“Why am I like this?” She whispered to herself. She pulled out her phone and did as promised, texting Jasper about her safe arrival.

About twenty minutes after, she got a reply from him stating the same.

She was flipping through her chats, speaking with classmates and friends, before accidentally seeing Spencer’s chat. She clicked on it and frowned at how it seemed to be a ghost town now.


Little did she know, Spencer was at Wyndemere thinking the same as his fingers grazed over the electronic keyboard.

He misses Trina; he’s not used to the radio silence from her.  “Spence!!” His shoulders dropped as he heard his girlfriend’s voice.

“babe, you’ve been gloomy for so long. What’s wrong?” He shook his head. “Come here; I can make you feel better.” He felt her hands drag up his shirt as her lips kissed his neck lightly.

He began to pull away but stopped himself. He let her use him for pleasure, hoping to get his mind off the female who wasn’t in his life anymore. Unfortunately, that tactic didn’t work; he stared at the ceiling as light snores came from Esme’s lips.

His pleasure from their actions came from his imagination, avoiding eye contact and keeping them closed as he envisioned the dark-skinned female under him.

He didn’t love Esme anymore; his attraction didn’t lay with her, but he was a man of his word, and his word to her was to always be there and love her.

Slowly, he crept from his bed and entered the bathroom, taking a lengthy shower to ease his mind.


The Next Day

Kelly’s Diner
4 P.M.

Joss and Cam stared at Trina, grinning at the information she just shared with them. “So, are you guys dating?” Trina shrugged.

“I honestly don’t know. We didn’t say anything after.” They heard the noise of this door indicating someone had entered, and they all turned in the direction.

“Jasper,” Trina called out. He smiled softly. “Trina, Hi; I figured you would be here.” He approached her. “can we talk for a minute?” He asked, and she nodded in reply glancing back to her best friends with wide eyes.

“What’s up?” She couldn’t help but smile as she stared into his blue eyes. “I kissed you.” She folded her lips and nodded. “You did.” He seemed nervous as he continued. “I like you, Trina, and I wanted to know if you would be my lady.” Her smile grew as she nodded, approaching him to kiss his lips softly.

“Trina.” She heard Spencer’s voice behind her making her jump back. She turned to him and saw how fallen and dejected he seemed.

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