Chapter Nine

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“Trina.” Cameron patted his best friend, who was asleep in the waiting chairs. She woke up to Cameron squatting in front of her. “Cameron? Hi.” She greeted as she straightened herself. “Did you sleep here?” She nodded in response. “Jasper. Jasper was involved in something, and he was badly injured. He came out of surgery not too long ago.”

Cameron nodded in understanding, reminiscing on his mother’s words about emergency surgery. “I didn’t want to leave him until I knew he was fine. They said I couldn’t see him immediately, so I’m waiting.” At that moment, her stomach growled. “Let me run to the Cafe and get you a coffee and something to snack on.”

As Cameron left, she got the approval to see Jasper. He was awake.

“Trina.” He called out to her as she stood in the doorway. “Jasper, did you lie to me?” He sighed, “Not entirely.” Trina glared at him. “it really was my friends that did this.” He exhaled as she sat beside him. “I didn’t want to alarm you either.” Trina's head twitched to the side as she listened. “So what happened?” She whispered. “I was on Potter’s Lane.”

“The corner before the park,” Trina stated, earning a nod from Jasper as he continued. “There was an argument -- unrelated to my sister – and some rivals, unresolved shit.” She looked away from him as another male entered the room.

“Oh, hi. Jay, I didn’t know you had company.” The male commented as his eyes drifted between Trina and Jasper 

“Damien..” Jasper mumbled, giving himself a mental face-palm.

“Trina, meet Damien, my brother. Damien, this is my girlfriend, Trina.” The slightly older male made a face in realization before greeting Trina with a small smile. “I can come back,” Damien suggested, which Trina declined. “No, be with your brother before visiting hours are over.”

Damien smiled softly as the female turned to Jasper planting a kiss on his cheek. “I’ll see you later.” She whispered to him before exiting.

“So, that’s the infamous Ms. Robinson.” Damien teased the battered male, who faked a smile and then dropped it.

“What happened?” Damien confronted his brother, his tone suddenly turning serious.

“what do you fucking think?” His brother gritted out through his teeth. “Guza?” He asked to which Jasper nodded.

“I was chilling with PJ, and they were scanning the area; we didn’t notice until they came around again, then all hell broke loose.” Jasper took a small breath as he recalled the night. “it’s what led to the shoot-out in the park.”

Damien patted his brother’s shoulder. “That’s why I always tell you to stay strapped.” Jasper scoffed. “You still haven’t explained to me what the fuck you’ve gotten yourself into.”


Trina bumped into Cam as they began to leave the hospital. “Hey! I thought you already left.”

He gave her the snacks, and she gave him a small smile. “Thank you, Cam, and no, I’m about to go down now to wait on my rideshare.”

Cameron shook his head. “Cancel it. My mom is doing her handover. I can take you home.” Trina smiled softly before nodding and doing as directed.


A Few Days Later

Trina finished some homework and studies before performing her nightly routines. She lay in her bed attempting to get some rest; instead, she lay restlessly as the clock ticked by.

She sat up, grabbing her television remote to watch a movie to become tired enough.

She exhaled, frustrated that she was still wide awake two hours later. Her phone buzzed beside her as someone began calling her phone

"Spencer..." she softly read the name on her screen.


Spencer was locked in a guest bedroom in an attempt to escape Esme's antics. She kept trying to take him to bed despite his rejections. His instincts were building a barrier, he was becoming cautious, but he could not understand why.

Throughout the night, he heard a mixture of apologies, threats, and questions from his girlfriend through the door. He kept his silence until it came to a sudden stop.

He felt relaxed at the silence but restless as he lay on the queen size bed.

His thoughts were far as he played with his phone. He had many things on his mind, but one person was recurring, Trina. His thumb swiped through photos before going through old texts. He missed her.

Call it faith or an accident, but his finger slipped across the call button as he aimed to leave their private chat. He panicked for a moment but allowed the phone to ring in hopes that she would answer.


"Hello?" Trina spoke softly into her phone. She waited momentarily, checking her phone to ensure the call was still connected.

"Hi.. " the soft raspy voice of Spencer echoed in her ear; subconsciously, she replied with a softer "hi."

Neither party made a sound for about a minute.

"How are you?" He asked softly, which made his voice drop an octave lower, triggering a reaction from the female.

"I'm tired, but I can't sleep." She heard a small chuckle. "I'm exactly the same." A small smile grew on her face as she teased. "I thought your girlfriend would've tired you out." Unintentionally, an ounce of spite was heard in her tone.

"Mentally? Of course, she does." He admitted.

She folded her smile as she caught onto how he deflected her intended meaning. He specified his answer.

They continued speaking on random and meaningless topics until they eventually fell asleep. They were unaware that the call was still connected, and it stayed that way throughout the remainder of the night.

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