Chapter Fifteen

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"Jasper, are you okay? you seem very distant." Trina questioned as she attempted to enclose the space between them.

He moved away.

"You've been spending a lot of time with Cassadine." Trina paused, blinking a few times at the sudden confrontation. "Well, we're friends, but how do you know that?"

She watched as his facial expression suddenly became opaque. "I'm your boyfriend, Trina. Am I not supposed to know when you're with another male? Especially one that likes you." He deflects, breaking his blank expression to one that's annoyed.

"Spencer knows his boundaries." Trina's voice came out smaller than expected.

"Do you?"

Trina's head snaps toward him. "Excuse me?"

Jasper gaped at her, "You heard me, Trina." Her eyes widened at his temper. "what are you insinuating? That I'm cheating?" he pointed at her. "I never said that."  "You didn't have to." she quickly retaliated.

She gathered her items. "I can't believe this," she whispered loud enough as she approached his door. He grabbed her wrist, but she snatched it away.

"Yeah, now you're going to use this argument to go to him now, right?" His voice became louder as she stepped outside of his house. "Jasper, where is all of this coming from?! You've never had concerns surrounding Spencer before!"

Trina stumbled as someone brushed past her. "You bugged my fucking house!" Damien screamed at Jasper, who calmly focused on Trina. "you should go." he expressed before closing his front door.

She was baffled. She hesitated for a beat before going to her car; she was prevented as the lady she met days ago at Jasper's house stood in her way. "Trina, am I right?"

She had a thick New York accent as she spoke.

"You must be Jasper's mother." Trina pointed out. The taller lady gave a small smile. "Jocelyn." Trina accepted the handshake she initiated. "You ad my son had a scuffle, from what I saw."

Trina noticed one of her hands stayed stationary behind her back; an eerie sense sent chills down her spine.

"Hi!" Both ladies heard a female's voice from across the street. They watched as the female ran over and hugged Trina tightly.

"She has a knife." the girl mumbled as she squeezed Trina tightly. As they pulled away, the face became oddly familiar.

"It's been a while, but it's me, Chantel." The female reintroduced herself. Trina's eyes widened as the memory of the waitress she met at Frost resurfaced. "Yes! It's been a while!"

Their eyes communicated with one another as they quickly thought on their feet.

"Sorry I didn't call recently; I broke my phone and recently got a new one," Chantel spoke before turning to the lady. "Oh, I'm sorry, I was excited to see my friend. Hi there."

She held out her hand to shake Jocelyn's, but the action was not reciprocated. In turn, she received a deep frown.

"Anyways." She turned to Trina, keeping her body slightly towards the older lady. "I was at my brother's, but his car is down; I booked a rideshare and was told to meet over there, but then he canceled last minute, so I'm waiting on my new rideshare; then I saw you."

All the ladies looked up at the male who began crossing the road as Chantel pointed him out as her brother.

"I'm going to head inside to my sons. It seems to be getting rowdy in there. Trina, I will see you around." Jocelyn dismissed herself as her final words seemed like a threat to Trina.

"Thank you," Trina whispered. Chantel nodded. "I'm assuming you don't live here and putting two and two together. This is your boyfriend's house, and that's not the man you were with at the restaurant."

Trina nodded. "We should talk somewhere else. Did you order a rideshare?" she suggested before questioning Chantel's story.

Chantel nodded and then canceled the ride after consulting with Trina to ride as a passenger.

She hugged her brother goodbye after Trina dropped him in front of his home, which was four houses down.


"You remembered me." Trina started as the GPS navigated the duo to Chantel's home. The brown skin female nodded, "you and that boy were hard to forget. You brought a lot of trouble after you left."

Trina briefly turns to her in confusion. "What do you mean?" Chantel giggled a bit; Trina seemed so oblivious; for some reason, she wanted to protect her.

"After you and the boy left," Chantel began. "Spencer is his name," Trina interjected.

" Well, after you and Spencer left later that night," She teased, making Trina blush.
"another couple came in; it was her and an older man. They rubbed me the wrong way and caused havoc during the closing hour."

She recalled the night.

"My brother was walking me to the rideshare, but we began to walk back to his place after it was canceled, and we noticed a glisten, like a sharp object protruding from her sleeve. My brother is an ex-militant and immediately recognized it to be a knife, like a pocket knife. I told him I recognized you."

Chantel paused as the navigation directed Trina.

"He was going to come over and intervene himself, but for some reason, I just didn't want to trigger her in that way, so I told him to let me handle it, and he would stand guard until my cue for him to come over."

Trina pulled into Chantel's garage. "Did you just move here?" Trina asked; Chantel nodded. "Almost a month now." Trima smiled softly. "I live three houses down."

The girls spoke about the situation some more before exchanging numbers.

"Thank you again, I owe you big time," Trina commented, but Chantel shook her head. "Just stay safe; these people seem to be out to hurt you." Trina nodded as her phone began to ring. "It's Spencer."

As Chantel exited the car, she turned to Trina. "Tell him so that he can keep his guard up."

"Spencer." She greeted him softly through her phone but instead heard feedback. "Spencer?" she asked again as she pulled into her driveway.

Instead of a greeting, she heard an argument between him and Esme.

"Contraceptives still have that one percent, Spencer!" Esme yelled sounding closer to the phone than Spencer. "So, you're really telling me you're four months pregnant?"

Trina phone drops on the concrete as she halted her movements towards her home.

"What?" she whispered to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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