Chapter Thirteen

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"What brings my nephew here on this beautiful day? Hello Trina." Sonny greeted the duo warmly as they entered his penthouse.

They returned the greeting, Spencer hugging his uncle tightly. "You said you had some questions; I'll answer to the best of my ability."

Spencer and Trina looked at one another before Spencer began to speak. "It's about the Alcazars."

Sonny's face dropped, the name triggering a deadly reaction. "What happened? Do those brothers mess with you?" He rapidly inquires to his nephew, who shakes his head. "No, but their return to Port Charles and the events happening because of it is suspicious."

Sonny chuckled, "Tell me about it."

Trina shifted in her seat uncomfortably.

Both males noticed before Sonny continued, "But what would you like to know."

Spencer turned, pointing to Trina as he spoke. "She had experienced an encounter with their mother." Sonny turned to Trina, who bounced her leg rapidly. She became anxious as she realized the debt of resentment Sonny has for the family.

"How?" he questioned. "She's dating Jasper," Spencer answered for her as he placed his hand on the knee of her active leg.

Sonny nodded, "So, you met Jeze. I thought she had died. Blonde? Blue-eyes? Tall?" They gaped with the male. "Yeah, those were the descriptions," Trina confirmed.

"I thought you didn't know about her; you never mentioned her." Spencer engaged himself in the conversation, egging Somny to explain more.

"I don't know much about her; what everyone does know is the persona she created in the mob." 

"Which is?" Trina asked.

Sonny shook his head, deciding to clarify.

"She was known as Jeze, short for Jezebel because she was a whore." His bluntness took Trina aback. "She wasn't his girlfriend or wife, but I learned that she was a childhood friend turned lover, in a sense that they became intimate without titles."

"She came to Port Charles with Damien, and she was pregnant with Jasper. Lorenzo used her maternity as leverage; he wreaked havoc over Port Charles to get intel for his brother's death."

"Alexis was responsible, but of course, everyone in power wants to come after me." Sonny lowkey boasted before his story continued.

"Anyways, Jeze took it to another level. She got pleasure, information, and a thrill; she murdered each of her informants. Not because she's scared of any of them being a snitch but because it made her feel powerful." Sonny laughed a bit.

"It was a bit humorous in the organization. Here's this pregnant lady murdering highly trained enforcers."  he sighed in entertainment as he gazed into nothing as the chaotic memory resurfaced.

"Anyways, she had a double advantage. Back then, children were off-limits, her pregnancy saved her from the mob, but Lorenzo saved her from the system. Spencer knows, but you may not." Sonny pointed to Trina. "The Alacazars are untouchable; to this day, their family is embedded in the government."

Sonny paused in thought. "From what I heard, it's a promise, a contract signed in blood that they become that way. How and why? I don't know; that secret died with Luis and Lorenzo."

"But back to Jeze, when Lorenzo got obsessed with Carly, she went crazy. They fought, and she went into early labor. "Carly fought a pregnant woman?" Trina asked in disbelief. "More like self-defense; I'll defend her on that," Sonny answered.

"You think since she had emergency surgery, she would rest, but nope. She left the hospital hours later, high off pain medication, went home, grabbed a gun, and began searching for Carly. She ultimately found her; luckily, Jason came just in time to shoot Jeze."

He bit his lip holding up his index and middle finger. "Twice."

"She obviously collapsed; Carly was panicking, so Jason broke his usual protocol to take her to safety. Time as he returned, Jeze was gone, but with those injuries, she was already weakened state from the surgery, and with no sight of her at any medical facility, we assumed she died during her escape."

Trina rubbed her forehead as she unintentionally blurted out, "The bitch is crazy." making Sonny laugh.

"So, she was presumed dead, and their father was killed. What happened to the brothers?"

"Adoption," Sonny answered. "I heard they were adopted, but it wasn't our business. We didn't care."

"That's kind of cold." Trina commented, "I understand that their parents did horrible things, but you guys knew they had young children. Could've made sure that they were fine."

Sonny nodded before looking at Spencer. "You're right; it's common decency. But, I hope this answer some of your questions." he turned to Trina, who nodded. "It did, thank you, Mr. Corinthos."

Spencer stood up. "Yes, thank you, uncle sonny." he hugged him as he and Trina walked out.

Sonny locked his door before pulling out his phone and contacting two men he had trusted as enforcers for years.

"Hey, I'm sorry for involving you in this lifestyle again, but Jeze is back, and I need people who know how to deal with her to be on watch with me."

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