Chapter Eight

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“Jasper?” Trina whispered as the battered male approached her. He didn’t say a word; he hugged her tightly. “I saw the news. Are you okay?” He spoke in her ear, and she pulled away. “I’m fine, physically.” Her eyes examined his injuries. “But you’re not. What happened?”

His tongue dragged across the scab on his bottom lip. “A fight broke out with some friends of mine last night.” She watched as he stared off into space with an angry look.

“Hey, talk to me. What started it? Why would your friends hurt you?” He chuckled softly. “They made my sister uncomfortable, and they don’t do well with confrontation. Don’t worry, though; they look worse than I.” He nudged her.

Her frown deepened. Trina felt there was more to the story than explained, but she let it go.

“Ok.” She concluded, leaning in his arm, earning a flinch and a loud, sharp inhale.

“Jasper, no. Don’t lie to me; what’s happening?” He groaned softly as he removed his hand slowly from her shoulder. “No, I’m fine. It’s just bruised.”

She scoffed, which turned to panic as blood fell through his jacket. “Jasper, give me your keys, and let’s go.” He nodded, feeling a bit dizzy.


Kelly’s Diner
10 P.M.

“Thanks for waiting, bro.” Cameron patted Spencer’s shoulder. “What’s the plan?” He asked Spencer as he gathered his items. “I don’t know; I just need to be away from Esme….from home.”

Cameron frowned. “Y’all seemed to be good, are y’all not?” Spencer gave Cameron a look “Cam, don’t pretend to care about my relationship with Esme.”

Cameron laughed at the exposure. “I care about you, though. You seemed content.” Spencer shrugged. “I’m trying to be.” Cameron directed Spencer to a booth in the corner as they continued their conversation.

“What’s wrong?” He asked his cousin.

“Don’t give me no bullshit, be honest with me. You’ve been distant lately.” Spencer folded his lips before rubbing his hand around his mouth, contemplating venting to Cameron. “We’ve spoken before about the situation with Trina.”

Cameron nodded and commented, “You two aren’t friends; we all had conversations.” Spencer nodded. “That’s killing me.” He expressed.

Cam leaned back in his chair. “I feel like every time I try to get back into her orbit; I drift away further.” He explained.

“You have to understand that you hurt her, Spencer. She felt like a mistress in whatever relationship you both had.”

Spencer laughed softly. “We had a friendship, Cameron, a relationship that meant a lot to me.” Spencer clarified. “I admit, I was conceited—selfish even. I refuse to let Esme go and be with Trina.”

“Why did you?” Cameron asked.

“Why did I what?” Spencer replied.

“Why did you choose Esme over Trina.” Cameron elaborated on his question.

“Esme..” Spencer dragged her name as he began to explain. “She has no one, Cam.”

“And how does that have any relevance to your life?” Spencer was baffled at Cameron’s coldness.

“Cam, I promised.” He tried defending. “In some instances, broken promises are needed.” The boys sat in silence before Cameron asked another question. “Do you love her?”

Spencer looked up at him. “I’m sure I do.” Cameron's brows meshed together. “Spencer, it’s a yes or no question.” Spencer shook his head. “I did at one point.”  “then answer the question.” Spencer shook his head, sitting back.

“Fine. I’m sorry, don’t let me force you into answering. That’s not my business.” Cameron conceded before his phone rang.

“Hey, mom. I’m on my way.” Cameron answered in one breath.

“No honey, there’s an emergency surgery today. Some nurses were moved in the theater, so we’re a bit short-staffed; I’ll need to work overtime.” Cameron voiced his understanding. “See you in the morning then.” Elizabeth bid her goodbye to him before hanging up.

He looked up at Spencer. “Wanna come over tonight?” Spencer nodded immediately.

They stood up and picked up their items before Cameron closed and locked up the restaurant. “you drove here?” He asked his cousin, who nodded.” alright, I’ll see you at home.”

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